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Get ready for the NICEST chapter...
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Next morning..
Everything was normal. Do you think? Na na na. Nothing was normal today. Let's see what's happening...

Sid's home..

Sid and Ri were getting ready. They wore new clothes and look into the mirror. They smiled looking at their new look. They went down and started eating their breakfast.

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Sid : Ri stop using phone while eating

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Sid : Ri stop using phone while eating.

Ri :Why?

Sid : It is not good.

Ri : Ok. Dada ji

(He said joining hands in front of Sid. Sid rolled his eyes. They ate their breakfast and went to the car after taking their new backpacks. They drove off to the college in their college. They reached just to raise the temperature of the college by their devilish looks. They parked their car and with a full swag they take an entry to the college making the girls jaw drop to the floor.)

Girl : Is he the same who...

Girl 2 : yeah the same one..

Girl 3 : Oh la la.. He is turning me on with that jawline...

Girl 4 : I am going to have some QUALITY time with him for sure..

(They were talking like this. They came in front of Sid and Ri showing trying to show themselves as sexy as possible.)

Ri: What happened? Are you having cramps in your legs that you are walking like a cat?

(With this comment all college started laughing hard on those girls. Sid and Ri also laughed. Those girls got embarrassed in front of the whole college. Sid and Ri laughed and went away with full swag. They went to canteen where Avu was waiting for them. When they entered all others started gawking at them. Girls shamelessly drooling over them and boys getting jealous as they were looking so handsome.

Avu looked at the door feeling the change in the atmosphere. She looked at them and got mesmerized. "He is so handsome" She thought. She also started staring at him not realizing the atmosphere and the people. Ri, who saw this, smirked widely and flicked Sid's shoulder in order to tease him. Sid blushed as he saw Avu staring at him. They thought to go towards her. They went)

Ri (fake coughed): Hello Avneet...

(She came back in senses)

Avu: um. Hi... (smiling)

Sid: Hello..

Avu: Come sit..

(They three sat down and ordered something to eat)

Avu: You both look so good in these clothes.

Sid and Ri: Thank you

Ri: Well, credit goes to you, beautiful

(He said winking to which he got a kick from Sid from under the table. He winced but Avu didn't notice it)

Avu: So, what is today's plan

Sid: Yeah, so I was thinking of some project. I want some guidelines about it from Professor. So, first I will point out some points of the project and then will discuss with ma'am.

Avu: Nice. So, I guess you both are now fully prepared for the next venture. All the very best.

Sid and Ri: Thank you

Avu: Well, I guess now we don't have to meet in the college library for studies. 

(Ri and Sid looked at each other. Sid got sad so was Avu. She sighed and smiled a bit)

Avu: Umm.. We can be friends right?

(Sid's mood lighten up)

Sid: Yess. Suree...

(Avu smiled. Ri was silently recording their video)

Avu(forwarding her hand): So, friends?

Sid (accepting her hand): Friends...

(They smiled at each other. They didn't leave each other's hands. Ri ended the video and fake coughed)

Ri: I am also accepting ...

(He held her second hand and shook it intentionally. Avu smiled nervously and Sid glared at Ri. Ri smirked. They left each other's hands)

Ri: Ok.. So, to celebrate our first ever friendship, let's go ...

(He was about to say something but the so called dogs and their fellow servant dogs came inside the canteen just to make Kachra of their Izzat)

Raj: Ohhh see who have turned themselves...Or should I say some behenji turned them...

Riya: Mr. Gaav ka launda turned into Sheher ha bhikhari..

(All laughed at her statement. Avu and Ri fumed in anger but Sid just smiled a bit and got up fron his seat)

Raj: Ohh what happened? You got angry? What will you do now? You will beat us...? Ha?

Sid (taking a deep breath): Of course not. Because etiquette of my village never taught me that. It always taught me to behave nicely even if the opposite person is losing his mind. One thing is there that my language was Hindi but it doesn't mean that I don't know how to behave. But I guess it's you for sure. Even if you lived in the city, you should have more manners and etiquette in you. But, you're bad, you don't even know how to behave with people. It's ok, I guess you have to learn it again. Don't worry if you want to learn then definitely you can come to me. I will teach you. And ha, last thing, always talk with respect to a girl, whoever she is, but talk with respect. This is the basic manner which I think you have forgotten a long back.

(He told each and every sentence in a very calm tone. It looked like he was just telling him something but in reality, he was teaching Raj the lesson. He moved from there but saw Riya. He stopped)

Sid: And Miss. Riya, I think, you don't know the difference between bhikhari and rich. So, let me tell you, I don't want to show off myself but just to give some information, I can buy this college in a minute. Just keep that in mind Miss. Riya. Thank You

(He said very calmly. Each and every person in the canteen was stunned and shocked. No one had dared to talk like this with Raj and Riya till now. They both were fuming in anger. Avu and Ri were also shocked but were happier watching Sid's courage. Ri was smirking looking at Raj and Riya. Sid came towards Ri and Avu. Avu just blinked her eyes and smiled a bit. Sid also smiled back looking at her.)

Avu: Let's go from here. Let the dogs bark at their defeat

(She said smirking. Sid smiled at her and they moved away. DO you think Ri went with them? Na. He went towards them and stood in front of them like a gentleman)

Ri (in a very calm voice): I just want to say (Loudly): FUCK OFF YOU DOGS

(He screamed at them and went away from there. Behind him all the temperature was heating up. But who cares? Here, Ri was walking from the corridor when his gaze went somewhere. His eyes got out of the sockets and he stood there numb)
What Ri saw?
Stay Tuned.

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now