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There was a silence in the corridor outside the hall. Just the tapping of feet and fast heart beats,s sound was ruining the cool and calm environment. Yes, Ri and Avu were impatiently seating outside the meeting hall with their hearts beating at highest peak. Ri was sitting tapping his feet constatntly on the ground. Avu was pacing here and there. She was never this scared and nervous on her first presentation but for Sid she was acting like he is in labour room inside there and she was sitting there. Hehe, jyada ho gaya kya? Jaane do. Let's concentrate...

Avu (in mind): Oh god! Please let him win this. He has done a very hard work for it. He is so talented. Let him win this so that he will be more confident and determined for his further projects. God please please please. He will be so broken if he lost. I mean yeah I will be there but then also. It's him first project and I want him to win it. It was so difficult but then also he did it. Please let him win it. It's my last wish I promise.

(She was chanting her requests to god making him irritate)

Ri (in mind):Hufff! SO here are we, waiting for Sid. Huh! Hey, Ram ji please let him win it. I won't request you anything after this but please let him win this. He was working very hard for it.

(Like this both of them were irritating the god with their not so last wish. Their mind stopped when they saw Sid coming outside of the meeting hall. They stood up at their respective places gulping their saliva. They looked at Sid's face which was happy. They understood the reason behind it and smiled at him. He came towards them)

Avu/Ri (At the same time): How was it? What they said? They are happy with your work, right?

(Sid chuckled looking at their excitement)

Sid: Let's go to canteen first.

(Ri and Avu frowned when he didn't answer their questions and instead asked them to go to canteen. They huffed but tried to calm their excitement. They three went in canteen and settled. Sid put his laptop and files on the table. Avu and Ri sat down with a thud and put their hands on the table indicating Sid to start the narration of his presentation. Sid chuckled)

Sid: It was nice. I am now relaxed.


Sid: I don't know..

Ri/Avu: Means?

Sid: They said they will tell me after some time after discussing among themselves. They need some time for it as there were many candidates for it.

Ri: WHat? but why?

Avu: Yeah time for what? Couldn't they just say it back then?

Sid: Calm down. It's okay na. And now I am feeling so light. Stressless. I liked my first ever presentation.

(Avu and Ri smiled)

Sid: All thanks goes to you Av..

(They got interrupted by a voice)

Sm1: Siddharth....

(They looked behind and saw his teacher standing. They smiled and stood up. She came towards him)

Sid: Yes ma'am

Teacher: You did very well Siddharth. You were so confident. All are happy with your project and we can make it commercial as well if you get selected. You will win the prize as well.

Sid: Thank you ma'am.

Teacher: Ok So, get ready for the results. They will be announced in auditorium after one hour. Get fresh and relaxed. All the best!

Sid: Thank you ma'am

(Sid smiled and Teacher went from there. They three sat there)

Avu: Let's order something. You must be hungry as well.

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now