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Cute wala chapter...
Please comment on this one..

Next day...
Sid messaged Avu to not come in college but she being stubborn didn't listen to him. But as she woke up a little late, she is coming after first lecture. Sid and Ri reached the college. Ri was somewhat lost. Sid was feeling sad that Avu is not there with him. But tried to be normal. He was just waiting for her to come as soon as possible.

After first lecture...
Sid and Ri were sitting in canteen. Sid, waiting for Avu and Ri lost in his thoughts. Sid looked at him.

Sid: Ri what happened?

Ri: Huh? Nothing..

Sid: Arey bu..

(He was about to say something but Avu came there)

Avu: Hello guys...

Sid and Ri: Hello

(Sid smiled and asked her showing his thumb like all ok? She smiled and nodded. Sid gestured her to sit next to him. She nodded and sat there. She looked at Ri and frowned. She asked Sid like what happened by hands. He said don't know shrugging it)

Avu: Ri what happened?

Ri: Umm.. Ya. yeah.. N.. Nothing

(Avu and Sid looked at him)

Avu: What is it Ri?

Ri (sighed) : I don't know.. I am feeling like something is going to happen... Something bad.. I don't know why to whom and what?

Avu: Don't worry Ri. Everything will be fine.

Ri: hmm.. Yeah.. I will just come..

(They nodded. He left)

Sid: I don't know what happened to him.

Avu: It's ok Sid. Hota hain.. He will be fine

Sid: hmm.. Ok leave that.. You say.. How are you now?

Avu: I am somewhat better now

(Sid nodded.)

Sid: You want something? Juice? Fruitshake?

Avu: ummm no.. I am full

Sid: ok

(They were casually talking when the same guy came there)

Guy: Hey beautiful...

(Avu smiled awkwardly while Sid was throwing daggers to Guy)

Avu: umm.. Hi

Guy: what is your name?

Avu: Avneet...

Guy: ohh nice name..

Avu: thank you. you?

Guy: Hi! I am Vihan. I am new here

Avu: oh ok..

Vihan: Are you free in evening ? We can go to....

Sid(cutting him) : She is not free at all. She is very much busy. We are having a work. So you can leave from here now.

(Vihan frowned at him. Avu smiled awkwardly at him. Sid was having same cold expression on his face. Vihan went from there. Avu sighed heavily and looked at Sid. She giggled looking at his face which was red because if anger)

Avu: Why you acted like that?

Sid: Like what?..

Avu: You know it Sid..

Sid: No I don't know

(Avu giggled cutely to which Sid sighed and laughed a little)

Avu: Ok ok

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now