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After some time, all were in canteen again. Sid was registering for the company from his laptop. It was not a big deal but was a work of some minutes. Avu was helping him with it. They were engrossed in the work. After some time they were done with it.

Sid: Done

(He said while shutting his laptop off. Avu smiled and closed all the files keeping it on the table. She sighed in relief. The day was hectic for them. Sid was smiling looking at her.)

Avu: Let's drink juice?

Sid: Sure

(He got up and went to get some juice. He came and they drank it when their eyes fell on none another than Ri and his Kavya. Ri was as usual flirting with Ri. She was smiling. Avu and Sid chuckled. Avu's phone rang)

Avu: Yes dad


Avu: Ok dad I will come.

(She put her phone down)

Avu: I have to go home. Dad is calling me.

(Sid got sad.)

Sid: Won't you com..

Avu (smiled): I will be ready at 7 PM sharp

(Sid smiled widelly)

Sid: I will come to pick you

(Avu nodded and left. Sid smiled at her figure. Suddenly, he panicked)

Sid: Oh God!! I asked her out but I haven't prepared anything. Now what? I have to take help from Ri. He has done masters in these things. But here this idiot is flirting. Let me take him

(He got up and took his stuffs and went towards Ri. Ri was talking to Kavya. When Kavya turned other side, Sid dragged Ri from there. Ri got shocked. But Sid directly stuffed Ri into car and went home)

Ri: What the hell Sid?

Sid: Shut up and help me.

Ri(Irritatingly): BARK

Sid: Ha?

Ri: I mean say what you wannna say?

Sid: Yeah So I asked Avneet out today...


Sid: Abeyyy

Ri: OKOK Now let's do preparations.

(Sid nodded and they went to do all the preparations.)

At 7PM...A new car from Sid's collection took an entry in Avu's gate. Avu smiled looking at Sid who just came out of the car. Sid was just staring at her. Same goes with Avu. She was checking him out. They both were looking so good. Sid came out of the trance by the wind flow and smiled at Avu.

Sid: Hello

Avu(softly): Hello

Sid: Come

(Sid opened the door for her. She smiled and sit there. Sid went to his seat. They drove off to the destination. Whole drive was silent and they were stealing glances of each other. They reached at their destination in nearly half an hour. They came out of the car. Avu saw the decoration and got amazed.There were lights and ballons all over the place. Flowers were there mostly rose petals spreaded all over the way with yellow, red and purple colours. Avu was smiling widely. Sid smiled looking at her face.)

Sid: Come

(He said walking forward. Avu too walked after him. She was admiring the place and Sid was admiring her. She was looking beautiful in that simple and elegant dress. He was attracted towards her more and more, looking at her natural beauty. They stood at the center)

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now