33.You ok?

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Give me some suggestion of what you all want in further chapter. Jealousy? Misunderstanding? Leap of some years? Confession? Romance? Or anything else?

After some hours...
Only two classes were left to attend. Avu came in canteen and sat on their regular table. She was having a bad stomachache. She put her hand on her stomach and sat there putting her head on the table. She sighed heavily. After about five minutes Sid and Ri came in canteen. Sid was searching for Avu.

Ri: Ha ha. She must be here only. Desperate. Can't even wait for some time. Look at me. I am not like you.

(Just then Kavya entered the canteen and called Ri)

Kavya: Hey Ri...

Ri: Hiiiii Kavya.. Let's go.

(He went after her like a love sick puppy. Sid shook his head in disbelief)

Sid (mocking Ri) : Look at me. I am not like you.

(Sid chuckled)

Sid: Neet.. Neet.. Where are you...

(Just then his eyes fell on Avu. He smiled and went to her but frowned as he saw her position. He sat beside her and put his hand on her head)

Sid (softly) : Neet

(As soon as Avu heard his voice she smiled and got up sitting straight)

Avu: Hey Arth...

(Sid looked at her pale face and got worried)

Sid (with concern) : What happened? You are not well?

(He asked softly cupping her baby face)

Avu: I am fine Arth. Just stomachache.

Sid (Worriedly) : what? But why? What happened?

Avu: N.. no..th..ing

Sid: but..

Avu: nothing Arth

(Looking at her condition Sid got the situation. He sighed. He took her baby soft hands in his big ones)

Sid : Are you not comfortable to share with me? Should I call someone else or any girl? Or do you want to go home?

Avu: No... Sid... It's just that..that..

Sid: You are on periods

Avu: yeah

(She said immediately. But felt embarrassed. Sid was drawing circles on her hands)

Sid: You only made my thinking modern na? We are friends right? Then why are you hesitating? I won't judge. You know na. You can tell me everything.

(He said with a smile. Avu was overwhelmed with his behavior. She was happy. She smiled at him)

Avu: Thank you

Sid: Ohoo

(He frowned. Avu giggled)

Sid: okok. You want something? Anything necessary or something to eat?

Avu(again keeping her head on table) : I am not feeling to eat anything.

(She said in a faint voice. Sid felt bad for her.)

Sid: Do you want ice cream?

Avu (immediately) : yes. Yes I want

(Sid chuckled)

Sid: ok I will just come with it. You want anything else?

Avu: no

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now