35.Bursting out

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All the way to home, Avu was sitting with her hands folded at her chest and was pouting. Sid was taking glances at her and was trying to control his feelings and nerves.

Sid: Neet...

Avu(angrily pouting) : What?

Sid: Umm ab.. Why are you angry?

Avu: Can't you understand in a single go? I am angry because I wanted to be in your arms. I was feeling so good there. You were hugging me so softly that I was feeling like a flower.

(Sid who heard this got happy but blushed hardcore. He again looked at Avu who was still pouting. He chuckled with an aww. He looked straight and stopped the car at one side. It was an empty road. Avu got confused. Sid got down and went towards Avu. He opened the door and asked her to come down. She did. He opened the back door and asked her to sit inside. She did. Sid went in from another door.)

Avu: What happened?

Sid: You wanted a warm hug right? So how can I deny? Come here.

(He said with a smile spreading his arms. Avu smiled widely and went close to him. Sid slowly wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to him. Avu felt relaxed. Her anger vanished in some seconds only. Sid was hugging hed softly. Her head was on his chest listening to his heartbeats which were racing so much. Her hands were hugging him like a teddy bear.

They were feeling heavenly good. Their eyes we're closed feeling the hug. After some minutes Sid pulled back. Their hands were still around each other. Unintentionally Sid leaned and kissed her forehead softly. She closed her eyes feeling his lips. He pulled back after lingering there for few seconds.)

Sid (cupping her cheeks very softly) : You ok now?

Avu : Hmm

(She just hummed which came more like a whisper. Sid smiled)

Sid: Let's go now?

Avu: Yeah

(They sat on their previous seats and Sid drove off to her home. They reached after some time.)

Sid: Take care Neet..

Avu: Yep

(She was about to go but stopped and turned towards Sid who was looking at her. She went close and kissed his right cheek softly and ran away. Sid was Frozen there only. He came back in senses listening to her giggles. He smiled and made his heart calm. It was too much for him to digest in single day. On the thought of day, he got flashback of what happened in canteen. He sighed as he remember Ri. He knows that Ri won't shout on Avu because of some stupid reason. So he decided to talk with Ri. With these thoughts he drove to his house. He went inside and saw Ri sitting there on sofa with his head at back and eyes closed. Sid sighed and went to him)

Sid: Ri...

(He didn't answer. Sud thought he had slept. So he made him lay down and put a shawl on him. He noticed some tear stains on Ri's cheeks. He was worried about Ri. He went and got fresh thinking about him)

After some time...
He came down to see Ri drinking water. He went to him and sat beside him.

Sid: Ri..

(Ri, without even looking at him, replied)

Ri: Leave me alone... Please

(Sid was about to say something but Ri went from there to the back garden. And Sid sighed. The night passed.)

Next day in college...
Ri and Sid were sitting on the table. Avu came and smiled at them. No one was talking. Avu sighed and held Ri's hand.

Ri: Leave me Avneet...

Avu: No.. (To Sid) Sid go and bring the car fast. We are going somewhere

(Sid nodded and went. Avu held Ri's hand and dragged him out. Whole college was watching them. Avu made him sit at back and asked Sid to sit on passenger seat. Avu sat on driver seat and sighed. Sid raised his eyebrows. Avu blinked her eyes saying it will be ok. She drove off the car to one garden. She stopped the car and asked Sid to come out. She went and held Ri's hand and dragged him out. It was a lonely place. She went and made them sit on a bench.)

Avu (softly, holding Ri's hand) : Ri now tell us what is the matter?

Ri(trying to get up) : Nothing

(Avu held his hand)

Avu: Did Kavya cheat on you?

(Sid looked at her in shock. Ri stopped right there. Avu made him sit again and turned his face to her. Ri couldn't control and cried out loud hugging her tightly. Sid was shocked but stayed quiet looking at Ri. Avu hugged him rubbing his back)

Avu: It's ok Ri...

Ri (crying) : It's not ok Avu... She cheated on me. She was literally making out with some other guy. I saw them. I was feeling disgusted. How can she? I gave her everything she wanted. Then also she..

Avu (consoling him) : Shh. It's ok. It's fine. Let it out and forget her. You deserve much better than her. It's ok Ri. It's really good that you got to know about her this early otherwise... (She sighed)  Ri you are strong na. Why are you crying then? You should not cry for that silly girl. Just leave it. You are my bestie right? Then I don't want my bestie, a crybaby.

(Ri gave a wet chuckle. Sid and Avu smiled. Avu pulled back and wiped his tears)

Avu: Now wrap up this crying session and burn like a fire man. You have to give a tight reply to that Kavya. And and and we can even backbitch about her as well

(Avu laughed and Ri also laughed. Suddenly he remembered yesterday)

Ri: Avu I am sorry for rea..

Avu: It's ok bro. Chalta hain. You are my bestie. You should not say sorry and thank you to me. Ok?

(Ri nodded)

Ri: Than..

(Avu glared him. Ri chuckled. Sid also laughed.)

Ri: Sorry I made your dress wet.

Avu: Hmm it's ok bro. Chalega

(They smiled)

Ri: Ohk. Let's go to college

Sid: Wait let's eat ice cream and then we can go. There is still some time.

(They nodded)

Avu (squealed) : yayyyyy

(They both chuckled and went to ice cream shop and enjoyed eating ice cream)

Sid (in mind) : I am Ri's friend from childhood. I should have understand him. But I couldn't. But she handled the situation so perfectly man. How can someone be like this. Waow. I am so lucky to have her. God please don't let anything hurt her.

(He smiled. They three drove to college again. Suddenly Avu remembered something and smiled widely. They both raised their eyebrows but she just shrugged off. They three went to their classes)
Next chapter... Someone's entry... Who can it be?

Tashan-E-Ishq -A Sidneet ffWhere stories live. Discover now