not an update but a message :)

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dear readers,

thank you for continuing to show this story support even after all this time. thank you for continuing to read, vote, and comment. it genuinely means a lot to me.

this story has not been added to in about 2 years now. I haven't written any more of it privately either. I know many of you don't want to hear this part, but I will most likely not be adding to this story.

honestly, I've lost most of my inspiration for this story. I reached a point with it where I was happy with what I had done, and no longer felt like I had anything to add. if I kept updating this story I fear it would've been half assed.

my characters are still important to me, the twilight characters are still important to me, and this story is still important to me. however I feel this particular story has run its course in my life and I've moved on to other projects.

now for what I hope could be good news.

I have continued to write, and I have continued to write twilight fanfiction for myself. I've developed certain ideas and concepts that would only ever be for myself, but I also have more ideas for a new published story.

I'd love to start publishing again, but I cannot force myself to write like my 2018-2020 self. I don't want to try and recreate my love for this story, especially because I know I can make something better now.

I guess, let me know what you think. let me know if you'd like to read more work from me.

once again, thank you so much for showing this odd story love for so many years. it really motivated me to continuing write even when I lost touch with my original story.

thank you for reading this message from me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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