We All Need Someone

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Declan's POV.

       I woke up to the feeling of a hand on my back lightly shaking me. I could feel the warmth of the hand through my blankets and I burrowed deeper into my blanket pile. I'm not ready to face the day. I'm not ready to move on.

      "Declan?" Charlie's gruff morning voice broke the silence. "Are you awake?"

      He carefully pulled the blanket off from over my head and I rolled over to look at him. My eyes were sore from crying and I could only imagine how bad I look. I watched as his eyebrows furrowed and concern filled his eyes.

      "Hey, Bud. What's wrong?" His palm rested softly on my forehead, "are you sick?"

       In the moment I realized how awful I feel, my binder is still on and my spine and ribs are throbbing. My whole face hurts and my eyes are burning and dry. I swallowed and felt the ache in my throat.

        "I really don't feel good today, Charlie." I admitted, my voice sounding strained and weak.

        Using my hands to support my weight, I sat up. I pushed most of my blankets off me and groaned as my back stretched.

       "Physically or mentally?" He asked moving over to give me more space on my bed.

       I shrugged, I really don't feel like telling him that I cried for hours last night. I'm sure he can tell just by looking at me that I had a rough night.

      "That's okay," he shrugged in answering. "I'm keeping you and Bella home from school today."

       With a nod I looked around my room, everything looks normal. What hurts is the fact that I can see small evidence of the Cullen's are still here. A book with a business card hanging out of it to mark the page Jasper left off on when he was here last. A few pictures of me with Alice and Rosalie pinned on the wall over my desk. Even the sweater and scarf I borrowed from Carlisle the other day are still here.

        Charlie stood with a sigh, "get changed and come downstairs to get something to drink. I can make you some breakfast if you'd like."

       Another answering nod, I pushed off all my blankets and stood up. I reached my hands above my head for a stretch and groaned again as my spine cracked.

     "Make sure you take off that, uh, binding thing." He pointed at me, "I know your not supposed to wear it for that long."

      I couldn't even bring myself to argue with him, he's right though. I have been binding for far too long, my ribs are screaming. The last thing I need right now is bruised ribs.

      Charlie carefully climbed down the ladder out of my room and I pulled off my shirt. I strained to get off my binder and let out a loud sigh when it finally came off. Dropping it on the floor, I stepped to my desk chair.

       The navy sweater and scarf were draped across the back of it carefully. I placed my hand on the soft material. Another thing I always appreciated about Carlisle is how soft his clothes always were. When ever I hugged him, my cheek rubbed against his soft sweater or t shirt.

      Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the sweater and scarf and threw them into the corner of my room. They fell to the floor behind a lamp, and I decided to let them collect dust. I never want to see anything of his again. I don't want to be reminded of how good is was to have him around.

      Tearing my eyes away from the clothing, I moved to my dresser and grabbed a hoodie. After pulling it on, I grabbed a pillow from my bed and hugged it to my chest to cover it. Leaving my attic, I decided against going to the bathroom to wash my face or even check the mirror.

       I slowly walked down the stairs with my pillow held close. I heard Charlie shuffling around in the kitchen and I followed the noise. I turned into the room and sat roughly down on the nearest chair. Laying my head down on the table, I held my pillow tighter for comfort.

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