Wild Sun

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Declan's POV.

I stood next to Carlisle in the Cullens kitchen. He was slicing raw meat and vegetables that Esme was frying. Emmett was working on a salad with Rosalie, one cutting and the other holding the bowl.

I asked Jasper to pick me up from Charlie's early so that I had some time with the Cullens before Bella came over. I wanted to see how they were all feeling and make sure that I would be here before Bella arrives.

Carlisle glanced at me with a smile and placed a knife on the counter. He's been in such a happy mood, him and Esme both. Apparently they're both happy that Edward has found someone. Personally, I feel like everyone is taking their relationship very seriously. They just started dating like two days ago, things need to slow down.

"What would you do, if I started juggling those knifes?" I asked Carlisle, playfully nudging his side attempting to distract myself.

He continued to slice a carrot as his eyebrows rose, "I'd push you into a puddle."

"Wow, that's rude. Ruder then you usually are." I scoffed. "You're in a mood today."

He looked at me with my favorite smirk while continuing to chop. "I do not like the idea of you playing with knifes. You're just a child, you should not be using knifes at all."

My jaw hit the floor, "I'm not a kid, Carlisle, and I know how to use a knife."

"Didn't you stab a man?" Emmett's booming voice suddenly said.

"Are we really going to talk about that again?" I asked, trying to keep the image out of my mind.

"It was badass."

"You did what you had to do."

Both Emmett and Carlisle spoke at the same time, that's when I heard the car outside.

"They're here!" Esme said in a singsong voice.

Her excitement was contagious, I felt giddy and almost high. I briefly wondered if Jasper had anything to do with that.

Jasper and Alice are who knows where, preparing for Bella's scent. I felt bad that Jasper is so stressed and tempted by Bella's scent. He really wants to be more welcoming, but he just can't. Hopefully, someday, it'll be easier for him and he won't have to distance himself like this.

I was curious as to why he's okay around me, so I asked Jasper and Emmett what the difference is between Bella and I. Apparently my blood smells less like blood and more like the repairing saliva I gave Carlisle a sample of. I guess that the antibacterial fluid that's in my spit is also in my blood.

Carlisle said he could tell me for sure after I give him a blood sample, we haven't had the chance to do that yet. Just in case he wants to get it at the hospital, I understand I don't want to give blood in a house full of vampires anyway.

I heard a distant sound of the Cullens front door closing and slid a bit away from Carlisle. We were standing really close together and the last thing I want is for Bella to see that. She'll tease me to no end.

"Here comes the human," Rosalie all but sneered.

Suddenly, I felt extremely anxious. What if all of this is a bad idea? What if this is what gets Bella killed?

Esme turned to looked at Carlisle and I, her smile was grew and her shoulders raised as she let out a quiet squeal of excitement. Carlisle smiled back with the same gesture just without the little squeal. A real shame.

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