On my Own

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Declan's POV

I paced anxiously in my bedroom, waiting for a text from Carlisle signaling he's here. I'm feeling excited but at the same time I am terrified. I'm just excited to see him and talk to him.

I wish we didn't have to talk about me though, at least once it's done we won't need to talk about it again. I don't want to tell him everything but I'll tell him why I'm here, why I don't have my own family.

Hopefully, Carlisle can just listen to what I need to say and then move on. I'd hate to dwell on every small detail, and I better not cry. If I cry in front of him I'll never be able to face him again.

I decided to busy myself by working on the painting I started this morning. It's a simple landscape, with lots of trees and a waterfall.

I got my paints on my palette and moved my stool out of my way so I could stand. I slowly painted the small details of the water and tried to relax. After each brushstroke I became more and more absorbed in my painting.

It didn't take long for the world around me to melt away as I put my attention solely into my work. My anxiety was still there, it always is, but my worries about Carlisle diminished away.

He's not going to lose his mind, if anything he'll just be really sad. Everyone had different reactions when they found out. Charlie was furious and Adam was in shock at how bad my mother truly was. Then there was Renee, she just cried for days.

I was so lost in my painting that a I almost didn't notice my phone vibrating at my side. I picked it up and saw the text from Carlisle. He's here, and my worries cam flooding back. My rationality flew out the window and all my fears came flooding back.

I put my paintbrush down and carefully set my palette down next to it. I wiped my hands on a nearby rag and went over to my small attic door.

When I reached the backdoor I took one last deep breath and pulled it open. I rushed outside and went down the few stairs to grab the man's wrist and pull him inside.

The coolness of his skin and the metal of his watch felt like the same temperature. I've learned that, their skin isn't cold it's room temperature. They don't produce cold, their skin just stays the temperature as the space around them. It just feels cold to us because we are so warm.

"Hello, Declan." He softly greeted as I pulled him through the kitchen. "I brought some painkillers for you, if your nose is sore."

"I think I'm okay." I told him as I dragged him up the stairs.

I let go of him once we reached the ladder and I climbed up and made my way back to my desk. I heard a small creek signaling the door closing.

I felt him move to my side and I looked at him. He reached up to inspect my nose again and I pulled away with a wince.

"Dude, stop that hurts." I scolded.

He narrowed his eyes, "you said you felt okay."

"I know but it still hurts when you touch it." I explained, reaching a hand up to rub the bridge of my nose.

"I'm sorry." He apologized as he moved to sit on my bed.

I sighed and turned back to my painting. I picked my brush up and swirled it in some teal paint.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, after a few brush strokes.

I heard him shift. "Everything. However, first, I'd like to know why you're here. How did you end up here? Where are your parents?"

"Okay," I huffed. "It's a long and heavy story, just, try not to freak out or anything."

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