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Declan's POV

I followed Carlisle through the Cullen house and paused to look at the party decorations in the living room. There's unlit candles everywhere and roses in crystal vases.

Then Rosalie came in the room carrying more roses while wearing a fancy dress. It's black with little bead things on it to make it sparkle slightly I guess. I don't know shit about dresses but this is far from her usual casual look.

"Carlisle?" I called as I raced up the stairs to follow him. "Am I underdressed?"

At the top of the stairs, he turned to look at me. I glanced down at my faded Linkin Park shirt and ripped jeans, I think I'm underdressed.

"I can lend you something, do not fret." He patted the top of my head.

Reaching down to grab my fingers, he started pulling me in the direction of his bedroom.

"Carlisle your clothes aren't my size. We've been over this before." I rolled my eyes but continued to follow him none the less.

"Oh, hush." Was his only response.

He pushed his bedroom door open and let my hand go. He walked into his closet and I looked around at the flowers in his room. He often has new ones and they always smell so fresh.

Carlisle stepped out of his closet and tossed me a item of clothing. "Here, wear this. It's soft."

I quickly pulled off my shirt, leaving me in my binder. I tugged on the sweater and it true it is soft.

"Wow," I pulled the navy colored sleeves over my palms. "This is so soft, Carlisle, wow."

I rubbed the sleeves on my face as Carlisle walked out of the closet in new clothes. He looked at me as he pulled on a black jacket and adjusted his scarf.

"Awe Declan." He cooed and I continued to run the sleeves over my cheek. "You're so cute."

He stepped towards me and placed his hands over mine on my face. He leaned in and placed a swift kiss on the tip of my nose.

"So cute." He repeated like I missed it the first time.

"Thanks Carlisle, but I think you're mistaken." I pulled my face away from his hands. "You're the cute one."

His smile was shy and he reached for my hands. "No, you're the-"

"Oh come on! Seriously?" Emmett's sudden booming voice made me jump. "You two can be worse then Bella and Edward."

I glared at him for interrupting my moment with Carlisle. "Emmett, that's a lie and you know it."

"Are you two gonna stand here and argue about who's cuter?" He made mocking kissing noises.

"Emmett, Declan and I will be downstairs soon." Carlisle said, ignoring Emmett's words.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him, "that's a nice way of saying, go away Emmett."

Emmett raised his hands in defense, "okay, okay, I'll see you downstairs."

He backed away carefully before turning in his foot and rushing down the stairs. My glare didn't lessen even when he was gone. Only when Carlisle poked my stomach did I look away with a unwanted giggled.

"Don't tickle me while I'm mad." I scolded the man in front of me.

I reached up to straighten his scarf, "shit man, this is soft too. Why is everything you own so soft?"

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