Uneven Odds

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Declan's POV.

I spent the next Saturday with the Cullens, and continued to spend most of my free time with them. I miss Bella, but I know she's so close to figuring out their secret.

Edward has actually started talking to her and the two of them seem to get along just fine. She has lots of questions and he likes playing this game. Edward likes watching Bella try to put the piecing together, but how is he going to react once she finally figures it out?

I stood from my bed with a sigh and went over to my dresser. Grabbing out a fresh tee shirt, I picked up my switchblade and put it in my pants pocket just in case.

Bella invited me to go up to Port Angeles with her, Jessica, and another girl named Angela. They want to look from dresses for an upcoming dance I completely forgot about. It was Jessica's idea to invite me, whether she thinks I need a dress too or was just being polite I don't know.

I know Bella also wanted to go to a book store for a secret book I wasn't allowed to know about. Whatever it is I'm assuming it has to do with the Cullens or just immortal lore in general.

I gathered my things like my wallet, keys, and a second knife and made my way downstairs. I stopped to brush my teeth and check my hair in the mirror. The green is fading, I'll need to dye it again soon.

When Jessica's car pulled up in front of the house, Bella and I said our quick goodbyes to Charlie and headed out.

I sat quietly in the backseat and panicked about the fact that I've never really talked to Angela. We've met a few times but she's shy and I'm shy so we've never really had a conversation.

When we reached her house I took a few deep breaths as she walked out to the car. Bella said she is really nice and great to talk to and I want to be her friend. I'm just really bad at talking to new people.

She opened the door and quickly slid into the seat next to me. I slid over closer to my door and tried not to panic at the fact I'm seated so close to a stranger.

"Hi, Declan." She said softly.

I smiled and nodded back at her.

Jessica was a fast driver so we made it to Port Angeles quicker than I expected. The girls talked about the dance and boys. Bella stayed pretty quiet as the two talked about Jessica's date with some boy named Mike.

All I know about Mike is that he asked Bella to the dance and she told him that she's leaving town. She's not, but I understand why she wants to lie about it. A few boys had asked her and I'm sure she just wants to let them down easy.

I watched the boardwalk out the car window as Jessica drove to a large department store.

I decided to return to the conversation when I heard Jessica say, "people ask you out here and you tell them no."

Bella wasn't as popular as she is in Forks, I don't really understand it either. Don't get me wrong, I love Bella but she isn't as interesting as everyone likes to think. She rereads the same books, does the laundry, and likes naps. She's just like everyone else, but the people of Forks put her in a pedestal.

"Well, except for Tyler." Angela added.

What? Since when?

Bella gasped, "excuse me?"

Wait? Bella didn't say yes to Tyler? What is going on?

Jessica narrowed her eyes, "Tyler told everyone he's taking you to prom."

Bella's eyes went comically wide, "he said what?!"

"I told you it wasn't true", Angela said as we got out of the car.

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