Eyes on Fire

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Declan's POV.

Placing my mug of tea down on my desk next to my cell phone, I went back over to the attic door and locked it. Now would be a good time to stretch me wings again. I usually would worry about the fact that both Charlie and Bella are awake, but Bella knows I'm not human and Charlie rarely comes up to the attic.

I pulled off my hoodie and inspected the tape on my chest. Its losing its tightness and my chest isn't as flat as it was earlier but I'll need to take it off soon anyway. I'll just leave it on for now cause it's better than nothing. Plus, taking off the tape is a pain and leaves my skin with a sticky residue.

After stretching my spine first, I relaxed my body but flexed my wings to release them. A relieved sigh escaped my lips as I was able to relax with my wings. I miss when the nights were colder and I could sleep all cuddled up with my wings. The summer months have been to warm for me to enjoy that simple form of comfort.

I grabbed my mug of tea and brought it to my mouth as I pondered what Adam could've done. He's never really been one to plan things and not tell me about it, even if it was about me. He always keeps me updated on every little detail of his life, and I try to to the same. Of course, I have to keep somethings secret, no matter how much it hurts me.

Picking up my phone I moved to sit on the edge of my bed before setting my mug on my nightstand. I fiddled with my phone for a moment, checking for any text messages from a Cullen. As expected, there was nothing from any one of them. I only allowed myself a moment to let my heart feel crushed and empty before I selected Adam's contact.

It's only around 10pm in New York, I thought as I brought the phone up to my ear. Surely he'll be there to answer and maybe talk for a little bit. I always feel more hopeful after I get to talk to him, something about his cheerful but realistic attitude is very calming. His joy is infectious and everyone who meets him quickly grows to like him.

"Declan! Darling! My guy!" He answered excitedly.

Even after the rough past hours I've had, I couldn't help but smile at his voice. "Hey, I see you're still wide awake then."

"I told Charlie to tell you to call me," he explained. "So, I was waiting for you."

Good, so he's not going to act like he and Charlie haven't been conspiring behind my back. "Well, Charlie told me something about a surprise."

Adam chuckled, "always straight to the point, Declan. What? No small talk?"

"Dude, we've know each other for ten years. We're way past small talk." I argued.

"Good point", he hummed. "Fine, then. Are you sitting cause I'm about to spill the beans."

I cringed and snorted at his choice of words. "Yeah, I'm sitting."

"It's a long explanation and you'll have questions but try and listen all the way through before you start stomping on the good news, okay?" He said, "but I'll try to get right to the point."

I worriedly bit at my lips and sighed, "okay. Go off, what's the surprise."


"Adam, please." I cut off his impression of a drumroll.

"You're getting top surgery." He revealed. "Like soon. If you want."

My mouth fell open as I attempted to get out one of many questions but no sound came out. We've talked about top surgery before, specifically all the things keeping me from getting it right away.

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