Hellish Teens

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Declan's POV.

Leaning my head back with a sigh, I let the feeling of relief run though me. I heard the familiar woosh sound, more relief came when I realized that my new bedroom is in fact long enough. I was worried about that, things would be much more difficult if my room was too small.

Opening my eyes, I looked to my right. A large black wing twitched slightly making a single loose feather fall to the floor. I felt my left wing twitch a few times, trying to shake away the tightness from being trapped.

I ran my fingers through the inside of each wing, I need to take the time to properly groom them soon but I'm lazy. I pulled out a couple loose feathers before shaking them again.

I held one feather in my hand and watched the color shift in the light. Every feather is dark in color but some are a deep navy blue, others a black or a mix of the two. The deep color is helpful for staying hidden at night, but my wings are certainly not the prettiest.

You see, my grandfather who I never really knew passed down some of his genes to me. Blue eyes, natural black hair, anxiety, and vampiric DNA.

There's vampires turned by bite, by blood, and some have the gene passed down generation to generation. I'm one of those unlucky ones, the ones that never had a chance.

My grandfather had two daughters, both of which don't have the full gene, my mother passed the gene to me. My grandfather died when I was five, but he knew I had the gene. Out of my two brothers and me, I'm the only one cursed with wings and bloodlust.

Knowing he would soon die, he left me dozens of books and letters. What he left for me was all I had to get through the transformation. I still needed them now as there's still so much I don't know.

At first glance I came to the conclusion that my grandfather was a madman. What else do you think when someone who you only remember as dead tells you that you're some sort of mythical creature? As soon as the first signs of the transformation started happening, all my doubts vanished.

It's subtle in the beginning but it was too much for me to think it was a coincidence. The worst pain was in my back, of course it was because I was growing wings. Maybe it was worth the pain, having wings makes my life so much easier. The headaches, nausea, and body tremors came quickly but the psychological changes built up slowly.

The paranoia came first, I was already a paranoid person but it escalated suddenly one day. It got to a point where all my electronics and windows were covered with bed sheets. Then there was the twisting feeling deep in my chest, it was almost a feeling of anxiety. I always felt like something bad was going to happen.

Next, bloodlust. The horrifying reality of this whole thing. Wings are pretty cool sometimes, they're nice to cuddle with when I sleep and flying is fun. The added speed and strength is helpful, but the bloodlust is what makes me question whether or not it's worth it.

There's been nights where I'd have to break out of my house to avoid attacking my own mother. I knew what was happening and that I needed blood, but there is no way I could feed from my mother. Even if feeding from someone doesn't kill them I still couldn't feed from friends or family. I couldn't risk it. I've never killed for blood and I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I did.

I shook out my wings once more before sitting on my bed and pulling out my cell phone. I still have to call Adam, it's late but I'm sure he won't mind. Well, it's early morning there, about five AM. I've called him at this time plenty of times. I pressed his contact and brought my knees to my chest.

It rang a few times before I heard his gruff and sleepy, "hello?"

"Adam. It's me." I said in a whisper soft voice.

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