Just One Yesterday

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Declan's POV.

       The first week after top surgery was odd. I mostly slept, I was asleep all day and up for a few hours at night before going back to sleep. I didn't leave Adams apartment either, only once him and I took a brief walk around the block to get some fresh air.

       The worst part, worse than the pain or recovery or the fact that I have to sleep on my back, is that I couldn't release my wings.

     I had on a post op binder and underneath I had a shit ton of ace bandages and other bandages. I couldn't disturb them therefore I couldn't take anything off to let my wings out. Each day it was getting more and more painful, but there was nothing I could do until after my first pre op appointment.

     The ache became almost unbearable and the pain killers did nothing to help the pain in my wings. I couldn't communicate to anyone what was hurting obviously so I just kept quiet and took the pain.

     Adam was very helpful and nurturing, like I knew he would be. He made sure I was fed and comfortable and watched all my favorite shows and movies with me. Having his company is something I always appreciated but especially after the last few months, it means so much more.

     I don't think I would've been able to maintain my sanity if I wasn't away from Forks and with Adam. I love Charlie and Bella but right now they're hard to be around. Bella's depression and Charlie's worry is stressful, I'm glad I'm not there.

     Adam is like a breath of fresh air, more so, it's like I was drowning and Adam is the air I breathe when I manage to pull my head above the water. His energy is so peaceful and familiar, it's comforting to be around him.

    My love for him only grew after this time together, he's been taking care of me since I arrived but after surgery care is different. He gets light headed around blood but he still insisted on emptying my drains, yaknow the small plastic bottles of blood attached to my sides. I'm still surprised he never fainted while doing it.

      When it was finally time to take the drains out at the doctors office a week after surgery, Adam held my hand when I started to get nervous. Dr. Wilson took the out quickly but it was still an extremely uncomfortable experience. The feeling of the tube moving deep under your flesh is sickening.

      When Dr. Wilson took off all the bandages and I was finally able to see my results, nothing could prepare me for the sight. I was bruised and swollen and bloody, but flat. My chest looked mangled and painful, it was almost hard to look at knowing it was my body. However, I kept in mind what it would look like when I had healed and that's what made me happy.

    Although, I should've mentally prepared myself to see my body and bruised and mangled. I don't know why I was shocked to see it so messy, I knew it would be but I was still too excited to think about that.

     Overall my chest looks good for where it's at. My nipples are round and matching, my incisions are straight and even. Dr. Wilson says I'm healing very well and that she's proud of her work.

     Adam cried, because of course he would, he always cries. He brought his favorite camera and was taking photos most of the visit and I couldn't even pretend to be annoyed with him. Even though I knew I looked disgusting I couldn't resist throwing up a peace sign for the camera.

      We were lectured about my after surgery care again, specifically scar care and how to keep my chest clean. Thankfully, Dr. Wilson's office had pamphlets on what to do because I was too excited to really listen to what she was saying.

     Basically, I have to keep the post op binder on for 23 hours a day for a few weeks. I have cream for my nipples and scars as well as bandages to put over them. Shower facing away from the water and no exercising or heavy lifting until Dr. Wilson says it's okay.

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