The Fire

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Declan's POV.

       The Cullens didn't show up at school the next day, or the day after. Usually, I wouldn't be worried but when they started dodging my calls I grew concerned. They've never avoided me before, I don't want to admit that my feelings are hurt.

       Whatever's going on, I fear for the worst. Bella's gone missing, did they take her? I haven't seen her since after school when she followed Edward to the woods. Did he take her? Did he change her or dump her? I don't know.

       The police cars are outside our house along with many of Charlie's friends ready to help look for his daughter. Even some boys from the reservation came to help find Bella. Being surrounded by so many worried faces is making me feel terrified.

       There's also been talk about large bears in the forest, Charlie has been keeping an eye on it. If Bella is lost in the forest like everyone's thinking, what if the bears get to her? She'd be completely defenseless, there's no way she would survive.

        Charlie, Harry Clearwater, Jacob Black, and I are all stood around a map marking out where the search parties are going to go first. Many men are standing with their hunting rifles cocked and ready. Why? I don't know.

         I brought my fingers to my mouth to start biting my nails, a dirty nervous habit I still have from when I was a child. My head whipped around as I looked at all the groups waiting to head off to search for Bella. I'm growing dizzy and panicked every passing moment.

        Stepping away from the group of men by Charlie's police car, I pulled my phone out my pocket. I moved to the front porch and looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear me.

        I quickly dialed Carlisle brought my phone to my ear. I waited as it rang and rang, each second passing made me more pissed off. He's avoiding me, he always answers when I call.

         The phone beeped for me to leave a message and I sighed heavily.

       "Carlisle," I started. "Bella is missing, I have no idea what's going on. I don't even know where you guys are. Just let me know if you guys took her or changed her."

       I huffed out a harsh breath and looked around me once more. "Carlisle, I swear to god if I don't hear from you soon I will find you and you won't be happy when I do."

       I hung up and thought about the the messages I've left for him in the past two days. I practically went though the five stages of grief when I realized he was avoiding me. I've left him some of the most pathetic messages, begging and pleading for him not to do this to me.

        Honestly, I should've known. I should've known that everything was about to fall apart. Edward is crushed by what had happened at Bella's birthday party, of course he would disappear. However why are all the other Cullen's vanishing too?

       I guess from what I've learned about Carlisle in the past months, it's not a huge surprise that Edward could convince him that things would be better this way.

      Carlisle definitely has some self esteem issues. He, just like Edward, angsts about his soul and things like heaven and hell. I know he feels like no matter what he does he is still a monster. It pains me to know that he worries about things like that.

      Yet, I've never brought up my real opinions on the topic of an afterlife or heaven or hell. I guess since my opinion differs from Carlisle's I've figured it was a conversation we didn't need to have. I respect what others believe of course, but I really wish what Carlisle believes didn't cause him so much anxiety.

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