The Long Road

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Declan's POV

"What-why did you leave Forks?!" Adam's panicked voice echoed through my phone.

I'm currently sitting outside a gas station near San Bernardo California. Jasper is filling the tank and Alice in inside getting us something to drink and eat. Charlie must've decided to call Adam because I got a bunch of panicked messages from my friend.

"Adam calm down, it's okay." I tried to soothe. "Bella broke up with her boyfriend and decided to try and drive home, I had to go with her. Yaknow to make sure she pulled over when she got tired or didn't have a breakdown behind the wheel."

"Well why didn't you make her turn around or-or just talk her out of going?" I could tell he was pacing in his creaky apartment. "You shouldn't have let her go, you guys are just kids."

"We're okay." I reassured. "I promise you we're okay. We're almost in Jacksonville." I lied.

He sighed heavily and I could picture him rubbing his eyes out of stress. "Okay, okay. Tell Renee I said hello I guess, and make sure you call Charlie. He's worried sick about you two."

I played with a loose string on my pants in an attempt to ignore the rush of guilt. "I will, and I'll call Charlie soon."

Another sigh, "you better. I'll call you again later. Don't do anything stupid, please."

"I won't, I'll be fine!" I hissed. "Bye, Adam."

"Love you," he said before hanging up the phone.

I pulled the phone away from my ear and slipped it back into my pocket. "Love you too."

I stood and leaned my back against the car door, this whole situation sucks. Everyone is so worried, even people who don't know what's really going on.

I watched Jasper finish filling the car with gas and lean against the car next to me

"Ready to go, Yankee?" He asked.

I peaked at him, "I think I'm going to go and help Alice. You think you can handle guarding the car by yourself, Cowboy?"

He nodded with a smirk before opening the drivers door and climbing in. I nodded back even though he wasn't there to see and then walked in the direction of the small shop.

It was easy to find Alice, there's not many people in the store, and I took the multiple bottles from her arms and held them for her. She was looking at some sandwiches and I quickly grabbed two and started walking towards the register.

She followed behind and took the sandwiches from my left hand so I wouldn't drop the drinks. As we waited in line, she nudged my shoulder with hers.

"Bella wants to talk to you." She began, "she's beginning to realize that you're not normal. Not human."

Shit. Why does everything need to go downhill at the same time?

"Is there anything I can do, I can say, to make her forget about it?" I stressed, my eyebrows knitting together.

She bit down on her lip, "not that I've seen."

God dammit. I really don't want to deal with this right now. Maybe I can avoid her, I'll just fly to Phoenix. It'll take longer but then I won't need to discuss wether or not I am still human.

"That won't work, I've seen you doing that. It doesn't help your situation." Alice interrupted my thoughts. "You just need to talk to her, she won't find out everything today. She just wants to know if you're human."

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