Alone Together

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Declan's POV.

       Charlie and I were able to contact the doctor and book a date for a phone consult within the day which was faster than I expected. The phone consult wasn't until a week later but to at least have an appointment with a surgeon was an achievement.

       As the week went by, I saw very little of Bella. I would have to seek her out if I wanted to see her then talking to her was nearly impossible. She was like dead woman walking, she looked like it too. She mostly just sits in her room and waits until it's time to go to school or to bed. She is losing her friends and refusing to accept any form of comfort from anyone.  

       When the phone consult finally came, I was nervous as all hell. Mostly about the fact that I was waiting for Dr.Wilson to deny me as a patient even though I couldn't think of a valid reason for her too.

      The phone call lasted about an hour with all the questions she had for me and with all the questions we had for her. I learned about what I need to do to get approved for surgery like getting two letters from medical professionals stating that I have gender dysphoria and that I'm mentally stable.

      I had lots of questions about her double incision results since that's the surgery I'm pretty sure I'll be getting. Double incision leaves you with two large scars on your chest but it's in my opinion the surgery that gives you the best results when your chest is my size.

     After the phone consult, I emailed her photos of my chest so she could confirm what surgery I would be getting. I'm not even going to explain how uncomfortable it was to take pictures of that part of my body then send them out.

     Then, finally, I got my surgery date.

      January 13th.

      As it's the end of September, my surgery will be here before I know it. Time will fly by through the holiday season, and then I will be flying to New York to stay with Adam and get my chest chopped the fuck off. It's about damn time.

      Charlie really wanted to go with me, he wanted to be there to help look after me and he wanted to be there to support me. It doesn't make sense though, first of all he needs to stay with Bella. That's assuming she isn't recovered by that time. Second, Adam will be more than enough to take care of me and Charlie knows that.

     So we booked my flight a week before my surgery so I'll have time to see Adam and settle in before. Then, the week directly after surgery I'll mostly be in bed or on Adam's couch receiving before I have to go back to the doctor to get my drain tubes out and dressings off. Then I'm staying one final week to recover before I have to travel.

    There was a brief moment where I was worried about missing school, but Dr.Wilson offered to write me a doctors note so I have a legal reason to not go for a few weeks. Plus, once I get back I'm going to take a week or so and do nothing but catch up on the work I missed so I won't fall behind.

      The last thing to do was wait. My travel arrangements had been figured out, my surgery date planed, and Adam even got me a proper bed for the room in his apartment he saved for me.

     Waiting was the hardest part though to be honest, especially in boring old Forks. If you had asked me before if I thought Forks was boring, I would've said no. However, after my friends left there wasn't really much to do.

      There was a few times when Bella's friends asked her and I if we would like to join them to see a movie or go shopping, but Bella always said no and I wasn't about to go alone. So, everyday was just going to school then staying at home. Alone. Cause Bella was no fun to hangout with anymore.

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