Home Sweet Home

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Declan's POV

The months ticked by perfectly unconventionally. Each day was a normal one, well as normal as you could get when your friends are vampires. There was lots of races and the occasional play fighting when Carlisle wasn't around. He always gets nervous that I'll get hurt, he always nervous in general I've learned.

Summer was just days full of endless fun with the Cullens and Bella. I nearly spent everyday at the Cullens house with my favorite people in the world. I am grateful Bella was able to come along too.

Esme and I grew very close with our shared love for art. We would work on our projects in the same room and just talking for hours at a time. Lots of trips to the hardware stores and the local craft store and penalty of finished projects to use for college applications.

I often went hiking with Carlisle, he took me to some of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. Waterfalls flowing down high cliffs and hills covered in wildflowers. We never stayed in one place for long, I was always eager to see what else he could show me.

Each day was better then the last, until school came back. I mean, school isn't that bad for me. It just I can't see Carlisle throughout the day, and that's saddening but not impossible to deal with.

I still have a few classes with Jasper and Alice in the new year, but I hardly ever get to see Rose and Emmett now. We used to see each other at lunch, which now is always a wild time of ten people all talking at once.

Since Rosalie and Emmett graduated, Bella's friends starting sitting at the Cullen table for lunch. Jasper sometimes skips lunch and I'll join him outside or in the halls so he's not alone.

Charlie was happy that Bella and I made so many friends but he's still quite upset about her relationship with Edward. Which I've got to admit, I understand.

From what he knows, Edward took her on one date then Bella ran off and landed herself in the hospital. That's all he knows, why would he be excited about them being together. Charlie is more approving of my relationship with the Cullens, not that he knows the real story.

He thinks that I'm always going over there to hang out with Jasper, which is half true. I am friends with Jasper and I do see him when I visit but I'm also there to collect my forehead kisses from Carlisle.

I don't think he'd approve of that in any way, he'd hate my relationship with Carlisle more than he'd hate Bella's relationship with Edward. At least Edward and Bella's relationship is somewhat legal, only if you think of Edward as a teen rather then a century old gross man.

I mean, is our relationship illegal? We haven't done anything like kissing or anything further. Can it be illegal if there's really nothing there?

It's not like anyone knows, I haven't told a single soul. Not even Adam, and I tell him everything.

I feel bad, keeping things from Adam like this, it's something I'm not used too. I've never had a secret to keep away from him before.

My phone vibrating in my pocket shocked me out of my thoughts. I tore myself away from my window where I was staring aimlessly and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Without even checking the contact, I pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I answer in the usual way.

"Declan!" Esme cheered, "I won't keep you long but I just wanted to wish you good luck with your first testosterone shot today! Yay!"

I smiled at the reminder, I didn't need it but it's appreciated.

"Thanks Esme." I chuckled into the phone.

"I'll see you at Bella's party tonight!" With that, she hung up the phone.

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