Cold Cold Man

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Declan's POV.

The sun was beginning to set as I sat on the couch while eating leftover pizza with Charlie. He's watching the tv while I'm texting Simon about bands I've never even heard of from the eighties.

Over the past few days, things have been looking up. Since meeting Simon, I feel a lot better. It's nice to have a friend in the area. Bella spends every free second with Jacob Black, and I never get invited so we don't really hang out anymore.

I get it though, it's okay for us to have our own friends, but I also think we've been avoiding each other. Avoiding the questions we both have now that the Cullens are gone for good. We both have been abandoned out of nowhere so maybe it's just too hard to make things go back to normal. It's almost too hard to act like things are fine around Bella.

She's the only one that knows how close we all were. People knew I was close with Jasper and that we spent a lot of time together but it was so much more then that.

It was cooking with Esme and Emmett, and watching in amazement as Rosalie rebuilt a car engine. It was sitting alone with Jasper at school when he needed a break from all the people. It was Alice and I making fun of Edward while he was sitting in the room with us and of course it was so much more with Carlisle.

I had something with him that I'd never thought I'd get to have and I know I will never have it with anyone else. Not after what he did. I don't think I want to care for someone like that ever again. It will just remind me of what it was like with him. I'd just be hurting myself at the end of the day.

When Bella and I are alone and trying to act like it wasn't that serious or we weren't planning on being with the Cullens forever, we both get quiet and sad. The realization hits us both. Bella will remain human, which I'm not gonna lie, thats how it should be. I will continue to live as everyone I care about around me grows old and dies.

However, I met Simon. Wether I end up wanting to be alone after it becomes to much to hide what I am or I decide to join others like me, I'll have an in. Simon can introduce me to the others he knows and educate me about who and what to stay away from.

He's already told me that next time we get together, he'll start teaching me things I need to know. History, how to fight, who these abusive covens are, and ways to meet other genetic vampires. He promised next time he knows when his friends are coming to visit that he would introduce me to them.

I can't help but to be excited, I've been waiting to meet people like me. It seems so much better to be surrounded by people like you, I want to be around people who understand me.

Did I feel like the Cullens didn't understand me? I don't think so.

Not that it matters. I remind myself. They're gone and they're not coming back.

I honestly don't even know if I want them to come back, things wouldn't be the same. I never thought they would do something like that. I never thought Carlisle would hurt me so bad.

I'm thinking myself into a bad mood, maybe I should go somewhere or do something. Before I could talk myself out of it I quickly texted Simon and asked him if he was busy tonight.

I put my phone down next to me on the couch and waited. Only a few minutes later my phone buzzed repeatedly as Simon texted me multiple times.

I shifted my sitting position as Charlie looked over at me.

"Is that Adam?" He asked.

"Uhm, no." I admitted. "It's this guy, Simon. We met recently."

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