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Declan's POV

I spent about fifteen minutes trying to decide what to wear. What do you wear when you visit a vampire house? Do I need a cloak? Now that'd be funny.

I settled with my usual all black outfit with many layers in an attempt to keep warm. Hopefully Carlisle wasn't lying about getting me a better coat, I definitely need one.

I can't stop thinking about what the Cullen's house could possibly look like. I know logically it's not a castle with coffins and bathtubs filled with the blood of virgins.

Every time I see the Cullens they are dressed in luxury clothes, and they only drive expensive cars. They're old, of course they have lots of money, but what about their house?

The fanciest house I've even been too was Renee's, which was a two floor home that was perfect for a middle class family. The Cullens probably do live in a castle, they could be that rich and dramatic. I wouldn't be surprised if they owned two castles.

After I had called Carlisle and he told me that Jasper would pick me up, I decided it'd be best to work on my history homework. I'm procrastinating telling Charlie about me going to the Cullens house.

In general, I don't think he knows my new friends are the Cullens. The way he talks about them sometimes shows that he think they're good people but I still have that anxiety that he's just saying that. Maybe he likes them from a distance but is just as confused and intimidated as everyone else.

Mainly, I don't want him asking any questions. Questions like the ones Bella has. I don't think I can handle two people asking me about a family with a larger then life secret. I can lie endlessly but that doesn't mean I know the right things to say.

I hardly know the right cover story, I feel like when I met the Cullens they didn't tell me the whole story. The whole fake story or the whole real story. They should probably let me know what their cover story is.

I know that Carlisle and Esme, who I haven't met yet, play a married couple. The rest of the Cullens are currently pretending to be their adopted kids, and they play high school students. That's it, that's all I know.

I don't know, where they apparently moved from or why the car to Forks. Hell, I don't even know how old everyone is pretending to be! The only ones who even look like teenagers are Alice and Edward. Carlisle looks eleven and a half yet he's convinced people he's old enough to have adopted teens.

Jeez, how did these vampires pull this off?! Their cover is ridiculous and they all look the same age like what the fuck?

I huffed a frustrated sigh at the kitchen table, alerting Charlie when he entered the room.

"G'morning Declan, you okay?" He asked, grabbing two mugs from the cabinet.

I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm just sick of homework, that's all." I explained.

Charlie placed a mug of coffee in front of me and took the seat across from me. "Got any plans today? Other then homework?"

I sighed again, "actually, Charlie, yeah I do." I took a few quick sips of the hot coffee. "I'm going over to a friends house for the day."

"Oh!" I tried to ignore his shock. "I didn't know that. Who are they? Are they picking you up?"

I cleared my throat and put my mug down. "Jasper. He's one of the Cullen kids. The blond boy."

He nodded in thought for a moment, "isn't he a bit older then you?"

"Kinda." I looked back at my history notes. "I met him in my history class."

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