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Niall's pov
Later when Rae was in the shower I got a text from Harry.

From hazza:
Soo mate did you get it in? Was she good at sex? and are you guys dating?

To hazza:
Yes, I got it in lol yes we are dating and yes she is absolutely amazing at sex!

From hazza: good for you mate! Mind if I fuck her?

To hazza: HARRY STYLES she is MINE!! No you can't fuck her!!!! Don't fucking even lay a finger on her I mean it mate:(

From hazza: ok, ok I was just kidding mate calm down I wont touch her but the boys want her phone number can I have it also?

To hazza: there 269-789-5467 that is my goofballs number! And I did mean to call her goofball;) xxx Nialler bye

From hazza:bye mate see ya later! xxx hazza

Raelynn's pov
"Babe! I just got four new text are these people Zayn,Louis,Harry,and Liam!?!?". "Yes baby they are" he said. "Okay well im going to my flat okay?". "Nooo!! Please don't leave me". "I have to go home..." I say.

"You could come over if you want?" I ask.
"Yes I want to!" Niall said. Him and I intertwined our hands and walked to my flat Niall was still holding my hand but he was behind me."you know you have a nice ass..."
"Well thanks?"
I turned around and kissed him.
We got to my flat and sat on the couch, I layed across his lap. So my waist was in his lap and my feet lay on the couch and he is still kind of holding my legs, he was holding my head but at the same time it was rested against the arm rest. Niall started laughing, "What?" I ask. "Im kinda holding you as if you were a baby!". "your weird". "I know that's why you love me!" He said. "Yes I do love you" I pecked at his lips.

Niall's pov
"So love, can the boys come over?"
"I don't care if they come over..."She said. "Okay I'll call Harry"

Niall on the phone with harry.

"Hey mate". "Hey!" Harry said.
"You and the boys are coming over pleeaaasssee??"I asked harry. "Raelynn wants you guys to come over so do I". "OKAY!!!!!" Harry yelled. "Ok mate see you and the boys in a few" i said. "Okay love" he joked. "Bye Nialler". "bye harry."

End of call

"Rae?". "Yeah?". "I know what we could do while we wait..." rae looked up at me and smiled. "What love?" She said. I leaned in to kiss her and I did my job successfuly. She bit my lip and I moaned. (It was one of my weaknesses I can't help it!) I opened my mouth and let her tounge in, she pulled back smiled. "Not bad Horan, not bad she then winked at me". "You know your not so bad yourself love" I exclaimed. We kissed again, and Louis walked into rae's flat without a knock. " Ahhh PDA!! get a room!" He yelled. "We are in a room if you hadn't noticed, but then you interrupted" Raelynn smiles. After Louis, there was Harry, Liam and lastly,Zayn. Harry looked at Raelynn as if she were his lunch. I glared at him and 'don't styles!" Mouthed. "Please just for one nite pleeasee! Nialler you know I love you!" He mouthed back.. "Yeah, and she happens to be my girlfriend don't touch her or I will break all your fingers and cut your dick off!" I warn him. We all laughed at my statement. Raelynn cocked her head, "Its nothing don't worry about it" I say, she just nods her head.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now