Fifty- Three

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Niall's pov
You know, I love Raelynn, Yeah she's done stupid things but when I look at her all her wrongs disappear, like they never happened. Liam, I love him too, I don't have anything against him, yeah what he did was uncalled for and really fucking stupid but I can forgive him for it. The only thing that matters is that the two of them didn't do anything... Well they did but you know what I mean right? Ugh. Okay they didn't have sex all the way. Anyways I'm happy that my anger towards her didn't last long, like most couples, and I'm glad that we got to talk face to face about it, it drove me absolutely nuts thinking about how long we were going to be separated for, or even if we were going to get back together. But we did, did I mention I love her? I do. A lot. She makes me feel good, happy, all over. We are young, we make mistakes, but I don't think that we will be breaking up anytime soon. I hope that we will last and I hope that maybe one day I can be the one she will marry, the one she has a family with. Is that too far? I've never brought that up to her, I hope she feels the same way...

Anyway, I watch Raelynn as she gets dressed in black skinny jeans and a dark purple crop top that shows her belly button. Her smooth skin peeking out under her shirt, it's so soft. I can't count how many times I've kissed her skin there, soft, smooth, she has a small patch of freckles on her stomach that you can very faintly see, it's not a lot of them just a few. She turns around and smiles at me, "Can I help you?" She asks.

"Yeah" I stand up from the edge of the bed and walk over to her, I turn her around so she can see herself in the mirror, "Look how beautiful you are" my arms wrap around her and my hands cover her stomach, my lips meet the delicate skin on her neck. Her hands cover mine, "I love you, so much" she says and I spin her around to face me, "I" I kiss her cheek, "Love" I kiss her mouth, "You" another one, "Too" I kiss her forehead and she smiles. "I mean it" she says, "Me too" I say and her arms wrap around my waist, she hugs me and I return the gesture. Her warm cheek is pressed against my chest and I hold her tight against me. I don't want to let go. Ever.

"No!" Raelynn yells and throws the Wii remote to the floor. I beat her at Mario Kart for the fifth time in a row. "I'm gonna beat you!" She says and jumps on me, "WHY WON'T YOU AT LEAST LET ME WIN?" She shoves me to the floor and pins my arms above my head with one of her hands. The other one is busy tapping my chest, hard. "Chinese torture!" She yells. "Raelynn!" I laugh, "Knock it off!"
She doesn't. "That hurts!"
"Good!" She stops and climbs off me, "Wanna play again?" I ask and she glares at me, "No"
"Why not?"
"Because you" she points to me, "like to cheat"

"No I don't, I just have skill" I smirk, "you're wrong you just like to cheat" she argues. I roll my eyes, "Well what do you want to do then?"
She smirks, "I want to do-"
"Wait no never mind that would be disgusting"
I raise one eyebrow towards her, "What?"
"Well I was going to say that I want to do you but... You're gross so scratch that idea" I laugh and she walks out to the kitchen. "Hey! Get out of my food!" I yell and she pokes her head out of the kitchen, "You don't have any anyways"

"Your fatass friends ate it all" she laughs, I've never actually taken Raelynn to a restaurant besides Nandos, I think now would be a good time to do that. I mean we just got back together and I'm hungry. "Are you hungry?" I ask and she shakes her head 'yes'. "Would you like to go dinner with me?" I ask her and a smile spreads across her face, "Yes, I would love to"  she runs out of the kitchen to the door, "Where are we going?"

"I was thinking something fancy like-"

"NANDOS!?" She cuts me off, "no I was thinking more along the lines of Clovers or some sea food restaurant or something"

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