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Raelynn's pov
I wake up due to the annoying buzzing from my phone. I thought I shut it off, I pick it up and am surprised with the caller ID. It's Niall... Its only been a couple days and he already wants to talk? I quickly answer, "Hello?"
There is no answer on the other line so I speak again, "Niall?" Then the call ends. Okay I guess he doesn't want to talk. I lazily get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen, Louis walks in the front door smirking. "Hey" he says and sits at the counter on a barstool. "Hey" I say and grab a bowl from the cupboard and pour cereal in it. "So uh has Niall called you?" I stay quiet for a moment, "Uh... No. Well he did but then he ended the phone call and he didn't even say anything" I walk to the fridge and get the milk taking the cap off and pouring it in the bowl.
"Ahh" Louis smile gets bigger, "It's probably because he was... Very well occupied last night"
I stop pouring the milk on my cereal, "What?"
"Yeah.. there was this girl at the bar... She was all over him. They didn't get very far though... He wanted to leave"

"Louis... What in the hell? I don't want to know that." I guess if we're broken up he can do what he pleases but... I don't like the idea of another slutty girl on top of him. I shiver thinking about it. Kassie walks out of her bedroom and Louis stands up. She reaches up on her tip toes to kiss him. I still don't know why Louis hasn't made it official yet. They are really good together and I think it's about time one of them asks the other out. I guess some people are different when it comes to relationships, it only took me and Niall a few days to start dating. I guess we should of waited and got to know each other more before we starting going out but you know, shit happens.

"Louis and I are going to go out. I would invite you but I guess it's a "suprise" for me. I won't be home till later" Kassie says and I nod my head. They walk out the door and I go into the living room.

My birthday is coming up soon, like three days, September 10, I'll turn seventeen. That also marks one year since I haven't talked to either one of my parents. My mom should still have my number, my dad as well, but I'm pretty sure they won't care enough to wish me a happy seventeen. One more year till I'm an official adult, well I already feel like one living on my own by my own rules but you know what I mean. At least Kassie has loving, supportive parents. Oh and don't forget her older sister, Maria. Which I don't have. As far as I'm concerned my mother has only one child that she absolutely hates, which of course is me. Aren't I a lucky girl?

I wake up and realize that I must have fallen asleep on the couch. Oops. "I thought you were dead" I hear a familiar voice say and I look up over the couch and see Kassie sitting at her dining room table. "Oh yeah... I guess I was tired. How was your... So called date?" I'm guessing it went well judging by the smile on her face. "It was good... First we went to dinner, that was the surprise. It was really nice, Louis planned the whole thing. There was flowers all along the lights that were strung up... Oh it was beautiful. Then after we went for a walk and um.... Then... Well uh... You know what couples typically do"

Wow that sounds nice. "You got laid" I start to laugh, "You guys aren't a couple yet"

"Well I know I said that we were a couple... We technically are"

"Want juicy deats?" She asks and I get up from the warm couch and sit across from her at the table. "About your sex life? No thanks... I already know how it goes. He stuck his babymaker in your not so big hole *cough* *cough* because your a virgin still and then you both came but before Louis could-"

"Okay okay jeez you sound like your making a fan fiction" Kassie says and we both laugh, "You never know, maybe I am"
Kassie is gone again, she's at Louis house. He asked her to come over and watch a movie with him. I was invited but decided not to go, I would rather not watch the two of them cuddle on the couch and make out, so instead I'm sitting on the couch on my phone. Vine is the best time spender, don't forget about Ifunny. I haven't bothered to call Niall at all because he is mad at me for what I did which is completely understandable and I think he'd rather not talk to me right now. If he had something to say he would call me, I think he has a lot to say but I don't think he knows how to say it. I haven't heard from Liam at all since Niall and him decided to take their anger out on each other. Which reminds me, I'm mentally shunning myself for what I'm about to do. I pull up my text messages and find "Daddy Direction".

Me: Hey Liam, can we talk?

A few seconds later he responds,
Daddy Direction: About what? There is nothing to talk about, I think Niall said it all when he punched me in the face.

Me: Really? Nothing at all huh? What about us? There's nothing you want to tell me or say to me? Because I might have a few words for you.

Daddy Direction: No, I don't feel the need to tell you anything. What do you want to tell me?

I think for a minute before my thumbs get the best of me and start typing rapidly.

Me: Liam, I should apologize for asking you if you thought that there was anything special... Between the two of us when there clearly is nothing. I'm sorry for making you feel sorry for me when you didn't need to feel anything for me, I have Kassie for that... And I'm sorry for... Having you... Um... You know, and also I'm sorry for trying to force you into something you didn't want to do but did it anyway for my sake. Liam I'm sorry, I hope we can still be friends and it won't be awkward.

I press the send button and remember back when me and Liam were together, I just liked the way he touched me. How slow he went, it wasn't just a "dick in and go" which is what I mainly feel what Niall does. I feel like he just wants to get it all over with. I set my phone down on the table and get up to go to the bathroom. I shut the door even though no one is home and stand in front of the mirror, looking at my face, examining my features. My eyelashes are longer than I remember and it looks like I have way more freckles than I usually do, I haven't looked at myself in the mirror in a long time. I look past me and into the shower, I notice Kassies razor and my eyes travel down my arm and to my wrist. I sit on the toilet and look more closely at my wrists, there are scars and there is many of them. This is the first time I've actually looked at them since I got out of the hospital. I count them all, there is twelve all together. Why did I do this? I would of never imagined myself doing any such thing. I bring my finger to the scars and go over them, there spaced apart, the skin between them is soft and delicate. I stand up and go out of the bathroom and into Kassies bedroom, I open her closet and find a dark purple aeropostale hoodie. I slip it on and walk out of her room, and into the living room grabbing my phone and shoving it in my pocket. I slip my shoes on and open the door locking it behind me, the cool air hits my face and I walk out of the shed like covering that covers the stairs and the cement under it. It makes it so that the stairs don't get wet and sometimes when it rains I would sit out here and watch the storm go by without getting a single drop on me. Anyway I want to go for a walk, to get my mind off of the fact that I did that to myself, oh and the fact that I texted Liam. Niall is not going to know about that, he will just get more mad at me.

Niall's pov
I stare at my phone screen, I've been trying to decide if I should text Raelynn or not. I know I'm supposed to be mad at her, I am don't get me wrong, but I need to talk to her about this whole situation, I need to know why she was technically cheating on me with Liam. I need to know why Liam would even think to touch her when he knows that Raelynn is mine, and only mine. Does she still love me? I know I still love her, and I won't stop unless she isn't happy and doesn't love me anymore, but even if she did leave I'd still love her. She's The first person that I've ever actually loved, the one that I want to be with all the time, the one I wish would kiss my lips and give me love bites twenty four seven, the one that I would be even willing to marry later on in life. Raelynn is my everything, I don't know what my life would be like if I hadn't of meant her but I know it wouldn't be as good as it is now. I decide to text her,

Me: Raelynn we need to talk. Tell me where you are, or I'll find you.
Wow I don't sound like a stalker.
She responds seconds later,
Babe: I'm at Kassies. Do you want me to come over?
Wow she's willing to talk to me after I yelled at her like that?
Me: No I'll drive over there babe.

Babe: babe?

Me: Yeah, is that okay?

Babe: I thought you were mad at me?

Me: Yeah but that doesn't mean that I can't call you babe;)
Me: I'll be there in fifteen
Babe: okay. I'll be ready.

Authors note
Okay I lied there will be more that 5-7 chapters.

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