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Raelynn's pov
"That's the reason your crying? Because you had sex?" He asks.

"No, I'm crying because everything is hell Niall! Ever since we came here everything has been falling apart, first we brake up, then I move in with Harry and he kisses me, then I have Liam finger me! I want it all back. Like it was before we came here. I don't want this." I yell.

Niall doesn't say anything. He just sits there.

"I'm going to bed" Niall blankly says.

I sigh, "And I'm leaving"


Today is Thursday the boys have a show today. It's been about a week since I've seen or talked to anyone, besides Harry because I had to get my things. I've been in my hotel room, that I got for myself. I don't even know what happened, the last time I saw Niall. Ow, his name I can't even think it about without being hurt.
Liam. He has tried to call and text me, but I've been ignoring everyone. Right now I'm sitting in the bathroom with a razor blade, deciding if I should cut open the delicate skin on my wrist or not. I know to you it dosen't seem like I've went through a lot but I have. Think about it. First I get kicked out of school, then I get kicked out of my parents house, then I have to rent my own apartment and pay for it, I get a boyfriend which cheated on me, then I meet Niall and a few months later he cheats on me, then I kiss Harry, then there is Liam which I don't know what the fuck happened between us but then I'm also stuck in London for 3 more weeks because I can't afford to fly back home, because all the money I have is going towards the hotel room. God. If I would have done better in school none of this would of ever happened. A couple of tears slip down my face and before my mind can catch up to what I'm doing, I drag the metal blade across my wrist feeling the pain that comes with it. It feels so good to feel this pain, because it's self inflicted and it's not anyone else that's doing this to me. It's me. I'm doing it. I drag the metal over my skin again, this time harder and deeper. It bleeds more than the other cuts do, a few minutes later things start to get a little hazy, and blurry. I drop the blade on the floor and let my wrist bleed, I start to see black dots before I fall off the side of the tub to the floor and hit my head on the edge of the counter which I'm pretty sure I hit it hard enough for it to start bleeding, my eyes flutter shut and darkness takes over me.

Kassie's pov
"Raelynn get your ass up we are going to go to the mall to hang out, because you need to stop moping around!" I yell as I walk into Rae's hotel room. I don't hear anything, usually she would grunt or something when I came to check on her but I hear nothing. "Rae!?"
That's strange she's not in her bed, maybe she's in the bathroom? I walk to the closed door and knock on it,
"Rae are you in there?" Again I don't hear anything, I'm starting to get a little worried. "Come on I know you're in there, and we have stuff to do" I open the bathroom door and look around. There she is, on the floor. Her arm is covered in dry blood and her eyes are closed.
"O-oh my god! Rae baby what did you do!?" I yell and kneel down beside her. "Did you- Why?"
She cut herself. What in the hell!?! Is she dead? I don't know! I start to panic, I don't know what to do! I frantically pull my phone from my pocket and dial the first number I think of. 911. I start to cry a little bit I mean what if she really is dead?
"Hello what is your emergency?" The lady picks up. "Um-um my friend Raelynn, she-she cut herself and I found her in her bathroom laying on the floor"

"Is she breathing?"

"I-I don't know"

"What is your address sweetie?"

"We are staying at the Canterbury Hotel... I don't know the exact address"

"Ok the ambulance should be there soon, take deep breaths ok? Everything will be fine"

"Ok thank you"

"Your welcome... I'm going to stay on the phone with you until they arrive"


I lay down beside Rae and put my arms around her while I cry harder, "What in the hell were you thinking?"

A few minutes later the ambulance arrives and comes up to the hotel room. They take Rae away and I'm left on her bathroom floor. Louis. I need Louis, oh and if your wondering we are not dating yet but we are way closer than we were a few weeks ago.

I run out of Raelynn's hotel room and back to mine.

"Louis!?" I yell. No answer.

I pull out my phone, and call him.

"Hey Kassie"

"Louis" I cry, "Where are you"

"I told you we have a show today, were setting up. Are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Yes I'm crying, and I'll have to explain later the only thing I can tell you is that Raelynn is in the hospital"

"Why is she in the hospital!?"

"Louis I told you I have to explain it later, just come to the hospital after the show please?"

"Yeah, uh what hospital?"

"I don't know I'll text you it when I get there, I have to go"

"Bye Kas"

I hang up the phone and make my way out of the hotel and to the hospital.

Niall's pov
"You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, and you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to, if I let you knooow I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cuz' it's you oh its you they add up to and I'm in love with you and all these little things" I sing part of "Little Things" this is our last song before we are done with the show, I think the show went by fast. Maybe I could go talk to Raelynn after, you know to clear some things up between us. I don't know what happened, when she left I tried to stop her. I really did, but she refused and I haven't seen her since. "Thank you London! You were all so amazing! We love you all! And thanks for having us! All of you have an awesome rest of the night!" Liam says before we go backstage, we have to meet some fans who have backstage passes before I can leave. I'm getting very anxious, I want to see Raelynn.

A small blonde girl walks over to me, "Um hi I'm Carly... Your my favorite Niall" she smiles wide.

"Yeah?" I smile back.

"Yeah I was wondering if you could maybe take some pictures? Only if you want to though"

"Of course"

I take a few pictures with Carly and then do the same with other fans. We can finally leave, and I can go see Raelynn, I don't know if she wants me there but I need to talk to her and we need to work things out.

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