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Raelynn's pov
We arrive at the airport and the whole ride here Niall didn't look at me. He didn't say a word to me or to anyone for that matter. I did notice him glaring at Liam though. Everytime I would glance at him he would have the same expression on his face; the bitch face. Niall didn't look anywhere he was either looking out that damn window or glaring at Liam. When we got out of the car he stormed into the airport and sat down in one of the black seats in the waiting area. I was going to sit next to him but decided against it. He sits there with his elbow on the arm rest and his head in his hands. I can easily tell by the almost violent bouncing of his knee that he isn't going to talk to me any time soon. I sit directly across from Niall, staring at him. I can't seem to take my eyes off of him. It's like I'm waiting for him to do or say something. Anything. But he doesn't.
"What is up with you two?" A deep voice asks. I finally turn my attention away from Niall for the first time since we arrived here and am greeted with Zayn. I stay silent and just eye him instead. "It is so intense in here. It feels like the beginning of the world war" he chuckles. I just glare at him slightly. "Really talk to me. What happened to you guys. When I first met you, you two were always together and happy. Now it's just a glaring fight between you two"

"Listen Zayn it's early. I don't really want to talk about it. I especially don't want you to think if me differently because of my actions." I whisper.

"Raelynn what could you have done that was so bad to make him this angry?"

I open my mouth to say something but then close it, deciding it is probably not a good idea to be talking about anything right now. He stares at me waiting for an answer but I stay quiet not giving him one. Zayn turns his head and checks out some girl that walks by. In my opinion she looks like a hooker. I turn my attention away from Zayn and back to Niall. I catch him starring at me, he quickly looks away and looks out the window.

"Boarding flight 39 to Doncaster" A voice booms through the speakers on the ceiling, that's us. We all stand up and head to the front desk handing the lady our tickets. I hand her mine and she takes it from me and I walk past the gate and onto the plane. I sit in the back of the plane by the window and Kassie sits next to me. Zayn is in front of me and this random blonde, skinny girl sits down next to him. She looks at him and gives him smile. "Please buckle, turn off all devices and do not get up unless it is completely necessary. The flight will begin in five minutes" One of the attendants says. I look for Niall but I don't see him. Where is he? I look for that blonde hair but I don't see it. "He is up there" Kassie says and points to the front of the plane. I smile at her and look out the window. "Hey, What happened?" She asks.

"Can we not fucking talk about this now? It has nothing to do with you and you don't need to worry about it. Zayn already asked this same question this morning." I snap. "Ok fine. I just wanted to help. You didn't have to be a bitch" she scoffs. I just continue looking out the window. The plane starts to drive down the runway and then slowly starts the lift off the ground.

Zayn's pov
The girl sitting next to me keeps humming some song. She is on her phone and she looks very confused for a moment then she laughs. I tap her shoulder, "Um you are supposed to have that off. It could interfere with the plane"
She gives this "why the fuck you talking to me?" Look before saying, "Okay um how about you mind your damn business?"
Jesus Christ. Okay bitch.
"Why the fuck is everything on my feed One Direction? Why is everything One Direction?" She mumbles, "Ahh there we go. Mgk and Twenty One Pilots." She smiles to herself.
"Excuse me! You may all turn your devices back on if you wish." The flight attendant says and goes into the front of the plane.

"Oh my god. No one even likes One Direction go away!" The blonde says and looks a bit angry. Now that I think of it she kind of matches Niall. She pulls her earbuds out of her pocket, plugging them into her phone. It takes a minute for me understand what she is singing.
"I've got a heart and I've got a soul believe me I will use them both."

"So kiss me where I lay down my hands pressed to your cheeks along way form the playground I have loved you since we were eighteen, long before we both thought the same thing. To be loved and to be in love. All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you whah ooh cuz I wanna I've like you made me feel when we eighteen."

I look past her at Louis and raise my eyebrow, "wasn't she just complaining about One Direction?" I mouth to Louis.

"What?" He asks. I roll my eyes, "Wasn't she just complaining about One Direction?" I ask him again.

"Oh. Yeah I believe she was"

"Then why the fuck?"

Louis shrugs his shoulders, "Maybe she doesn't know it's us. She probably doesn't even know our names let alone what we look like"

I shrug and look out the window staying quiet. I'm kind of curious to what her name might be. Maybe it's something long and majestic like Natalie, or Natasha or maybe its simple like Carly, Sam, or Emily.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now