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Kassie's pov
Ugh! I don't know what to do! I know for sure that I like Louis and I want to be with him... And then there is Liam... I mean I need some serious girl time with Rae. I am at home since when I woke up absolutely no one was at Harry's flat except for me. I am going to Raes flat and I'm not even going to call that's how stressed I am about this. I need to take a shower first, so I take a quick one, then I get dressed. I am wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a bright green crop top that says #StayWeird. I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth, I decide to put my wet auburn hair into a messy bun because I'm too lazy to do anything else. I don't want to put any makeup on because it's only Rae, I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and grab my car keys, and walk out the door and down the steps. I open the car door and get in, I then put the key in the ignition. My car roars to life, I turn the knob on the radio up and Wop by J-Dash was playing. I drive out of the complex parking lot and drive to Raelynns flat, stopping on the way to get donuts because I know that Niall will probably be hungry and knowing Rae she probably will be too. When I finally get to her flat, I walk up to her door and open it. "Am I interrupting something?" I ask. I ask this because, Raelynn is pinned to the ground and Niall is on top of her, kissing her. "Oh, uh no your fine Kassie..." Niall says. "Well okay then um Raelynn I'm sorry I didn't call or text before I came over but I just really need some girl time", I say. "Oh its fine your welcome over here any time and you know that!". "I brought donuts for you guys", I say. "oooo donuts!!!" Niall screams, and takes them from me and runs into the kitchen. "So, what did you plan on us doing today?" Rae asks. "Um well I thought that you and I could go to the mall or something like that..." I say. XYeah that sounds great!, um it's just me and you right no boys?" She asks. "Yup just me and you" I say. Raelynn gets up off the floor, "Niall! I'm going to go with Kassie to the mall! I'll be back soon!" She yells. "Wait! Don't leave me! I want to come!" He walks back into the living room. "You can't come it's just me and Kassie because we need to talk, while we're gone you could always hang out with the boys or just one of them..." She says. "fine!" He says. Raelynn smiles "okay well we will be back around?" She looks at me. "Whenever we get back..." I laugh. "Whenever we get back" she says. Niall smiles and pulls her close, he kisses her goodbye. "Bye babe I'll see you tonight" he winks at her and squeezes her butt. "Hey that's mine!" She laughs. "Not for long... Bye I love you" he says. "I love you" she tells him. "Okay okay you guys can have sex not when I'm here okay?". "Deal!" Niall says. I laugh and open the door, "you coming?' I ask. "Yup" Rae says and walks out the door with me.

Raelynn's pov
I trud down the stairs, and follow Kassie to her car. When we got out of the parking lot Kassie has to turn on the GPS because she is clueless on how to get to the mall even though we have been there before, she must've forgot how to get there I think I drove last time. We finally get to the mall after an hour of listing to the retarded GPS recalculate 16,000 billion times. "Can we please go to either Sephora or Mac I need to get new make up and make up brushes..." Kassie asks. "I don't care do you want me to come with you or can I go get us food?' I ask. "You can go get us food, I'm starving!" She says. I leave Kassie and go to the food court and I see someone I'm not expecting to see... "Tyler?? Is that you???" I yell quietly. Tyler is a brown haired, green eyed dick, also known as my EX boyfriend. "Rae?" He asks. "Yeah, Wow I haven't seen you in a long time, how have you been?" I ask. "Good, you?" He asks. "Great" I say. "Tyler!?" A girl appears from around the corner, She has black hair and grey eyes. "Hey babe" he says and kisses her, I cringe at his actions when he finally comes back up for air, he says "see you around bye". "Bye". I turn around and see Kassie carrying a Mac bag, good now we can leave. "Can we go now?" I ask her. 'Yeah, but...but my food...." She says. "You can eat at my house" I tell her . "Okay" she says. We get out of the mall and drive back to mine and Nialls flat, He is in the bedroom only in boxers when we get home. "Hey Nialler!" I yell. "Whats up sexy beast?" He asks and I blush. "Niall!" I whisper through gritted teeth and point to Kassie. "Umm well I think I'm gonna go home you two have fun" Kassie says and walks out the door. "Great, now we can have loads of fun, I don't think we will be able to do this on the tour bus..." Niall says. Okay? I think to myself. Niall smirks, and walks towards me, "Niall um I...". "You what?" He cuts me off. "I don't know...". actually yes I do know but I'll bring up the fact that I saw my EX some other time. He walks closer a fiddles with the buttons on my shirt, I get pushed back into a wall, Niall takes a fist full of my hair and tugs at it. I moan, why does he want to all the sudden do this? I ask myself. "Nialler..." I say. He gets really close and kisses my lips, he pulls back and bites my lip. "See I told you I would see you tonight" he whispers...

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