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Realynn's pov
Kassie had brought my stuff over to Harry's and I had taken a shower, the hot water felt really good on my tense muscles. When I got out of the shower I had multiple texts from Niall but I just ignored them all. I didn't want to see him nor speak to him right now, if I did I would probably break down. When he got back, Harry said that he didn't hear anything from Niall. That's good I guess right?

"Hey you okay?" Harry asks.

"Um... No not really" He sits on the couch next to me, "It'll get better"

I shrug my shoulders, how can it get better? I love Niall and he hurt me. "I can help you..." Harry puts his hand on my thigh, I jerk away from him. "What do you mean?" I ask. He takes my face in between his hands and leans in, so our foreheads are touching. His lips brush over mine he pulls back, only to lean back in and kiss me. Oh... Um. I don't know what to do... Should I kiss him back?
I mentally shrug my shoulders, and move my lips with his. He pulls back, "Your not going to slap me this time are you?" He chuckles, I look to the floor. "No... Why'd you do that?"

"Because your single... And I've had... I've had eyes for you since... The first time I met you" I look up at him.

"Oh" I say. I felt nothing when me and Harry, kissed. Nothing at all. I don't want him to have to go through what I had to. Loving someone that doesn't love you back, it hurts.

Niall's pov
I'm constantly sending texts to her. I don't know what to do. Should I try to call her? Yes! I'm going to call her. God damn it...I can't she'll know it's me. Oh yeah *67! I grab my phone and unlock it going straight to my keypad. I type in *67 and her number. It rings a few times before she answers.


"Hey baby..."


"Yes it's me"

"Listen I don't want to talk to you" she says harshly.

"Yeah but I want to talk to you an-" I get cut off. "Niall... I-I can't" she says and the line went dead. Oh great she hung up on me. I have to have her forgive me by the time our first show begins, which is in two days I think I don't know maybe is starts in a week I have no clue. I need to talk to her about this and I know she's mad, hell I would be to. Just thinking about anyone putting their hands on her makes me cringe. I didn't mean to "have sex" with that other girl, I didn't really know what was happening. I need someone to talk to... Harry? Yeah Harry. I pick up my phone and find Harry's number, I press the little phone icon and it starts ring. It rigs for a while and just as I was about to hang up, he answered.

"Hey Nialler" he says.

"Hi... Um can I talk to you? Like can I come over?" I ask.


"Harry stop it!" I hear a girl yell.

"No I don't want to" he says.

"Looks like you've got company... I'll talk to you later"
I laugh, and end the call.

Well... This is fun.

Realynn's pov
I'm not sure how I feel about Harry telling me he likes me. I mean he's attractive yeah, but I just don't know. After we kissed it was silent and akaward, but not too akaward. He really didn't keep his hands to himself, He kept playing with my hair, and poking my cheeks, and touching my thigh. I told him to stop but him being Harry he didn't listen.

"Oh I'm a gummy bear, Yes I'm a gummy bear" I start to laugh at the music coming from Harry's phone.
"What?" He asks confused.

"Y-your ringtone" I say in between laughs.

"Oh yeah... Shut up! I like it!"

I shake my head, "Uh Rae... It's Niall" I snap my head towards him. "Okay"

"Do I answer it?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know he's not calling to talk to me"

"Hey Nialler"

"Uhh" he moves closer and nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck. "Harry stop it!" I yell, as he softy bites down on my skin, I immediately bring my hand to my mouth, He's on the phone with Niall and I just screamed... oh dear. "No I don't want to stop" he mumbles. "Bye" he ends the phone call.

"Rae" Harry whines.

"What do you want Harry?"

"You" he says.

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles, but that can't happen..."

He sighs, "How come?"

"Because... And I'm going to go hang out with Kassie" I stand from the couch, "I'll see you later?"

"Wait" he grabs my arm before I can walk out the door, fuck. He leans in and touching my lips, he grabs my waist and brings me closer. "Harry" I mumble, and try to shove him back, but he doesn't move, instead he kisses me harder. "Harry!" I try to shove him back, and succeed. "What?" He asks. "Stop! I don't know what the hell you think you're doing... " he cups my cheeks. "Harry" I warn. "I don't want to kiss you"

He looks to the floor, "Then why'd you kiss me back earlier?"

"Because I didn't know what to do" I cross my arms. He looks into my eyes, and I immediately feel bad for yelling at him. His green eyes, show hurt and sadness. I just don't want to kiss him... I don't like him like that. "I'm leaving... Bye Harry" I say and walk out the door.


"And then he what?"

"Yeah, he kissed me" I roll my eyes.

"Hey sexy wa-" Louis walks out of the kitchen.

"Oh I didn't know you were here... Sorry"

"It's okay I was actually thinking that I could go and talk with Niall.... He keeps texting and calling me non stop, and I want to see what he has to say"

"Has to say about what?" Louis asks.

I sigh, "You don't know do you?" I ask.

Louis looks at Kassie, "No" he stretches the 'o'.

"Oh so that's why he's been so stressed" Louis says after I get done telling him what happened with me and Niall.

"Yeah... I'm kinda scared I mean what if he has another girl in there?" I ask.

Louis laughs, "You'll be fine love, he won't have another girl" I stand up from the chair, "I guess I'll talk to you both later... I hope this goes well" I say.

"Bye rae!" kassie yells.

I turn around and Louis is starting to lay Kassie on the bed, "Bye... And have fun" I wink.

I know this only happened a couple days ago and I should want nothing to do with Niall but I miss him. I don't want to stay with Harry, I want to stay with Niall. I hope everything goes well and we don't argue or something, we probably will end up fighting but whatever.

My nerves grow, as Niall's door comes into view. I don't even know what I'm doing let alone what I'm going to say. I wait, and I wait, until I finally get enough courage and knock on his door. My heart beat quickens when the door knob turns and Niall opens the door. "Raelynn?" his voice is very raspy.

"Um... yeah I wanted to know if we could talk?"

"Yes... yeah of course" he moves aside to let me in, I walk in to the familiar hotel room that I once stayed in. It didn't look much different just a bit messy that's all. I sit down on the chair and Niall sits across from me on the bed. Ew the bed.

There is complete silence until I take a deep breath, "So want to tell me why you keep calling and texting me? When you shouldn't even bother, because I'm just your side bitch right?"

"Raelynn I-"

"No don't I already know, 'you were drunk'" I use air quotes. "Were you even going to tell me about this?" Damn I feel powerful right now and I have no clue why.

"I-I" he stutters. That's what I thought, he wasn't even going to tell me what happened.

Niall Horan Is My Neighbor???? (Horan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now