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Raelynn's pov
"Ugh no fair! No I want the pudding!" I snap my eye open and look around. Louis is screaming at old people. "Sorry sir, but chocolate pudding is for the elderly only" the flight attendant says. "Yeah well I'm old!!!" Louis yells. "Sir please keep your voice down". "No not until I get my pudding!" He yells. The lady rolls her eyes and walks away. "You will bring me my pudding!!" He yells and crosses his arms over his chest. "Louis would you shut up! Your not getting fucking pudding!!" Niall yells. Okay so let me get this straight Louis is throwing a fit because they won't give him pudding? What a child! I think to myself. "Hey sleepy head how was your nap?" Harry asks. "Good and yours?" I ask. "Good..."he trails off. "That's good" I say, Harry shakes his head. I look over at Niall, "Niall!?" He whips his head in my direction and smiles. "What baby?" He asks. I smile, "Nothing,I want to sit by you!" I say. "Me too... I can ask the lady?" He asks. I nod my head, "Excuse me ma'ma may my girlfriend please sit with me?" He asks. The lady smiles and nods, "yes where is she?" She asks. "Over there" he points. "Excuse me?" The lady asks and walks toward me. "That's your boyfriend over there?" She asks. I nod my head, "Hes a charmer, and you could move if you'd like..." She says and walks away. "Har-". "yes I'll move" Harry says. "Niall!" He shouts. "What?" He asks. "Trade me spots?' Harry asks. Niall gets up and, him and Harry trade spots. "Hey sexy". Niall says and smirks. "Hi" I say. I look over at Kassie she is still sleeping. I pull my phone out, I seen someone else have their phone out and on so I turn it on, to check the time. Its only 1:30 pm, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I've been on this damn plane for 8 hours! Kassie accidentally kicks my foot, I look at her and her eyes whip open. "Hey, have a good nap?" I ask her. "I have to piss" was her answer. I just laugh, "Will you come with me?" She asks. "Why?" I ask. "Because I'm scared..." She says. "Alright come on you big baby", I say and get up. Once me and Kassie are in the isle Niall grabs my wrist. "Where are you going?" He asks. "With Kassie to the bathroom..." I say. "Okay..." He says.
When we get in the bathroom I turn around so Kassie can go pee. "Are you almost done?' I ask.
"Yes..." I hear the sink turn on.
"Okay we can go back now..." She says. We walk out of the bathroom and sit in our seats. "Excuse me please the plane will be landing in about four hours... Thank you for your cooperation" the flight attendent says and walk away. Ugh. Another four hours on this damn plane. I mise well sleep it off. I lay my head in Nialls shoulder and close my eyes. "Goodnight baby" he whispers. "Goodnight" I whisper back.

Niall's pov
"Babe wake-up" I shake Raelynns shoulder. "No" she whines.
"Please baby" I run my thumb across her cheek. "Why?" She asks her eyes are still closed. "Because"
"Because why?". "Because I'm boared and we still have an hour and fifteen minutes on this ratchet plane"
"That's not nice" she laughs. "What's not nice?" I ask. "You called the plane ratchet..."
"Its not nice because ratchet means ugly and this plane has feelings" she says. "Really? The plane has feelings?" I ask. "Yes"
I roll my eyes and sigh, "Okay you insane nut case" I say and smirk.
"Shut up... Can I go back to sleep?" She asks. "No...I need someone to kiss duh" I say. "Your dreaming"
"You wish... Come on I know you want me" I say. Her eyes rip open and she looks at me with a smirk. "See I told you..." I say. "No I don't want you" she says with a straight face. "Okay fine" I stick my lip out and she is laughing uncontrollably. "I'm just kidding you know that right?" She asks.
"Yes I do" I peck her lips. "Oh your not getting away with that" she says and grabs my shirt with her fist. "Excuse me? Hello excuse me!?" Raelynn looks past me. "What?" She asks. "No public display of affection on this plane" the lady says. "Well guess what? He's my boyfriend and I can do whatever the fuck I want to do to him on this damn plane!" She raises her voice. "No ma'ma you really can't" the lady gets cockier. "Oh yeah watch me!" Raelynn says and grabs my shirt and pulls me towards her. "Stop there are children watching!" The lady says, Raelynn really dose not like to get told what not to do. I assume this because she gets out of her seat and sits on my lap, still kissing me. She pulls back, "There bitch now tell me again what I can and can't do to MY boyfriend" she emphasises the word my. "I said no public display of affection" the lady says and pulls Raelynn off me. "Don't touch her" I stand up. "Mind your own damn business sweetie" the lady says and cockily smiles. "Baby, Babe stop!" I yell, as Raelynn tackles the lady to the floor. She pulling this lady's hair and slapping her and all sorts of stuff. I finally get a grip on her arm, and pull her off. "Stay" I demand her to stay in her seat. I help the other lady up, "Fuck you bitch! And still no public display of affection!" The lady yells. "Your not my mother!" Rae yells, and pulls me towards her and kisses me again. The lady walks away, and I look around the whole plane is looking at us, I'm not really embarrassed by Rae I'm actually kind of happy she did that but still. "Carry on this is none of anyone else's business but our own" I say the the staring people and sit down. "Rae you can't just go around beating up flight attendants" I laugh. "Sorry, Jesus I wasn't going to have sex with you on a damn plane all I was doing was kissing you then she told me no, so I got on top of you and then it went down" she shouts. "Baby you need to calm down, please" I say. "Whatever" she takes my shirt into her hand again and pulls me to her so our foreheads are touching. "If that bitch tells me what I can and can't do to my boyfriend again I'm going to have sex with you right here in this plane in front of everyone" she smiles evily, and let's go of my shirt and looks out the window. Damn, see I told you she wanted me...

Harry's pov
This is great. Raelynn just beat the shit out of a flight attendant and wow just wow. I didn't know she could get that mad, like damn I've never seen her mad. "Excuse me we have ten minutes until the plane lands, please buckle up and turn off all devices thank you" this tall man with dark hair says. They say excuse me a lot, it's not like they burped or ran into someone did they? "Hey I want my pudding" Louis says to the lady. I turn around, "Louis just give it a rest your not getting any pudding" I say, and Louis clenches his heart and fake cry's. "Fine" he pouts and I start to laugh. Wow he is such a child.

Raelynn's pov
"Am I the only one that's nervous here?" I ask. "No I'm freaking out!" Kassie says and closes her eyes as the plane flies downward, I grab her hand. "Babe it's okay calm down, we will be on the ground in less than two minutes" Niall smiles and squeezes my thigh. I take a deep breath, and the plane hits the ground, "Holy shit good thing we were wearing our seatbelts otherwise we would all be on the floor!" Some obnoxious woman yells. "You may all unbuckle and exit the plane" the lady says. Me and Niall get up, but we have to wait for Louis,Harry,Zayn,Liam,and Kassie because I really don't want to loose any of them and I know if I don't walk with Louis we will loose him. We all exit the plane together and go get our luggage. This airport is really nice, and it huge. "Babe" Niall calls. "What?" I ask. "Maybe after we get hotel I can relax you? You seem tense" He smirks. I roll my eyes, "Save that for later" he playfully hits my arm. "I actually want to go to the beach or something" I say. "Are you serious... You don't want to have fun when we get to the hotel?" He asks. "No I do but I want to have real fun" I tease. Niall crosses his arms and sticks his lip out, "Please?" He begs. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, you'll have to wait and see" I look over at Kassie, and Louis is standing there with his hands on her hips. They are so cute! I wish he would ask her out already, but no he wants to wait. "Rae are you coming?" Niall asks and I snap back to reality. "What? Oh yeah" I run over to Niall and he grabs my hand, and we walk out of the airport. There is a black van type thing that is waiting for us when we walk out of the airport, we all pile in and make our way to the hotel.

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