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Raelynn's pov
"So babe, when are we supposed to be leaving for your guys' tour?" I asked Niall. "Umm lets see i got the call from Simon about 2 weeks ago, so in about a week and a half". he anwered. "I think that its going to be really fun all seven of us stuck on a bus and then we get to stay at a hotel for like almost a year, how exciting!" I said. "Rae there will be more to do than to just sit there all day" Niall said laughing. "If you dont want to go then you can stay here and wait for me to get back" Niall said. "No I want to go I would miss you to much!" I said. "And I would miss you to!" Niall screamed.

Niall's pov
"Im hungry!" Raelynn winned. "So am I", I said. "Im going to go make macaroni!" Raelynn said. "Sounds good" I said. "Who said im making you some?" Raelynn asked me. "I did" I said. "Fine! Only if we can cuddle!" She said. "If thats what it takes to get food then yes!" I said. "That was mean! You'd rather have food over me?" She sticks her bottom lip out. "No I'd rather have you" I said. "Yay!" Raelynn screamed. While Raelynn was making macaroni, I got a text message from Liam.

Hey Niall me, Kassie, Louis, Zayn, and Harry are all going to spend some time at Harrys flat do you and Rae want to come?

Yeah, sure what time?

Around 11:00?

That.sounds good see you soon

Ok, bye

"Rae do you want to come to Harrys flat tonight? every one is gonna be there", I asked. "Sure why not?" she said. "Im going to go take a shower" I told Raelynn. "Ok have fun" she laughed. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom, to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I got dressed and went out to the living room, to find Raelynn laying on the couch asleep. She was adorable! I pulled out my phone to see the time, it was 3:45. Should I lay with her, or eat the macaroni? I think I'll eat the macaroni first, then lay with her. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl and a spoon, then scooped up the macaroni in the pan and plopped it into my bowl. I walked back out to the living room and Raelynn was now on the floor, she probably fell off the couch. I sat on the couch and ate my macaroni in silence. When I finished, I took care of the bowl and spoon I had used and sat on the floor next to Raelynn. I tapped her on the shoulder, "Is there enough room for me?" I asked her. Raelynn rolled over and smiled, "Yeah come cuddle!" she smiled. I layed next to her and grabbed her around the torso, she put her arms round my neck, Raelynn must've fell back to sleep because she was snoring softly. I closed my eyes, and listened to her breathing and soon my eyes got droopy and I fell asleep.

Raelynn's pov
My eyes whipped open, and all I could see was darkness. "Niall?", I whispered. I got no answer. "Niall!?", I said a little louder. He popped his eyes open. "What?" he asked in a raspy voice. I pulled out my phone, and showed him the time, he squinted his eyes from the brightness of light from my phone. 'It's 10:35 shouldn't we get going to Harry's flat?' I asked. "Oh yeah! I forgot!" Niall said. "Well we better get going or we are going to be late, and It's been a long time since we all hung out together', I said. Niall stood up,and stretched while I bit my lip, he was so adarable when he was sleepy or when he had just woken up. I sat up and streched as well, Then stood up to my feet. "So, poof head you'd better go brush that thing on top of your head you call hair", Niall said. "Thanks", I resonded. "welcome" Niall said. I walked to the bathroom, and wow Niall was right my hair looked like a tornado went through it! When I was done brushing through my hair, I went back to the living room. 'You ready love?" Niall asked me. "Yup" I said. We walked out of our flat and went to the car, I got in the passenger seat and Niall was in the drivers seat. When we got moving I turned on the radio and All About That Bass by Megan Trainor was playing. I sang along with the lyrics to the song. "Rae?" Niall asked. "What?" I asked him back. "Who sings this song?" He asked. "Megan Trainor" I answered him. "Ok , well let's keep it that way" he said and laughed. I glared at him, "So what are we going to do at Harry's?" I asked Niall. "I don't know we will probably end up watching a movie... But thats what we always do, do you have any ideas?" He asked me. "Umm, Yeah watching a movie almost every time we hang out with the boys gets boring, We could play truth or dare, or go out to a club, or play would you rather, or we could go walking around outside", I said. "Yeah those sound fun, We never do anything like that" Niall said. We arrived at a stop sign and then Niall turned right, and we were at some kind of apartment complex. I'm guessing it was Harry's flat/ apartment. Niall searched for a parking spot, When he found an empty parking space Niall pulled into it and parked the car.

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