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Liam's pov
Niall walks out of the hospital room, "she won't tell me why she did it, so I'm not going to force her into telling anyone anything"

We all stay quiet, The only noise is the quiet chatter of the nurses,doctors, and people in the waiting rooms. "Can I go talk to her?" I ask. Niall looks up from the ground, "go ahead" I walk into the room, and sit on the bed next to Raelynn. "Hey"

"If your going to ask why I did it you can get out" she snaps.

"Rae I just wanted to talk" I laugh.

"Ok, What about?"

"About the last time we were together"


"Niall knows" I blurt.

"Yeah I know, I told him"




"Rae I'm sorry... It wasn't supposed to happen and-"
"Liam it's fine..." Rae cuts me off.

"Would you want me to do it again?"


"Would you let me touch you again?" I ask.

"Um.. Liam I don't know"

I scoot closer to her and put my hand on her thigh, "Its a simple yes, or no Rae"

"Yes...?" She elongates the 's'.

"You know you look pretty sexy in a hospital gown" I smirk, and grab her wrists to pull her on top of me. She hisses when I let her wrists go, "Sorry"

"Its fine" she attemps to climb off me, but I stop her. She eyes me, "What are you doing?"

I shrug my shoulders and suck in a breath of air, "I wanted to make you feel better, you know. Because of all the pain your in right now" I grab her waist with one hand and my other hand travels up her thigh. "Liam" she firmly says.

"What?" I softly say, "Stop"

I stop moving my hand up her leg and, look up at her. She looks confused and hurt, "I want Niall" she says.

"Alright... I'll go get him" I sigh. She climbs off me and I get up and walk to the door, I look back at Raelynn before I open it. She is laying in bed and has her eyes closed, I walk out of the room and make my way over to Niall.

"Niall she wants you" he looks up at me, before standing and simply walking to her room.

Niall's pov
I quietly walk into the hospital room and sit on the bed next to Raelynn. She pops her eyes open and smiles, "I miss you" She grabs my hand, "and I'm sorry"

"What are you sorry for?" I ask.

"Everything, From when I kissed Louis to whatever I may have done now"

"Hey" I put my hand on her face, "It's okay, just forget about it"

"I did it because I missed you, and everything with Liam, and because I didn't finish school because my parents kicked me out" she looks down, but I lift her face back up with my finger. "It's okay Raelynn, don't worry about it"

"I love you"

I smile, "I love you"

I bring my face to hers and press my lips against hers, too long. It's been way to long since I've felt her lips on mine. She breaks the kiss and pulls back, "What was that for?"

"Because I missed you too"
The door opens and the doctor comes in with a cup of water and some pills. Geez you'd think they would knock. What if we were having sex in here?

"Here you are Ms. Johnson" he hands her the pills and the cup of water. She takes them, "That is just your pain medication, when you wake up tomorrow you are free to leave" he smiles, "Have a good night Raelynn" he walks back out of the room.

"I don't like him he's weird" Raelynn giggles, "Well it's true"

Raelynn's pov
I went home with Niall the next day, we wern't on "sleeping together in the same bed" terms yet, so Niall had slept on the floor and gave me the bed. Though I didn't get much sleep due to the itchyness of my wrist and the pounding of my head. I tried to tell Niall no and that I would be the one sleeping on the floor but he refused and said that I had to sleep on the bed or he was going to go sleep with Harry for the night.

Wait, let me rephrase that.

He was going to go stay with Harry for the night.

I had left the hospital around 11 am, although Niall thought it would of been best if we waited for the doctor to come and talk to us. I didn't want to wait around all day so I had to beg him to leave.

Oh! Also the boys,Kassie and I are leaving London in about a day and a half to go to Harry's hometown, Homes Chapel, in Cheshire to visit his mom Anne. Then we will be back on the road. Whoo hoo... I get to sleep on a tour bus. I don't know for sure if we would all be staying at Harry's mom's house but if we don't me and Niall are going to find a hotel. At least that's what Niall told me. I'm really not sure where me and Niall are at, but I just really miss him and want him back. I don't really know what to do without him, it's just plain boring.

Niall went out with Louis and Zayn, Harry is with Liam and Kassie, and I'm by myself at the hotel room, that me and Niall share once again. I don't know exactly why Kassie is with Liam and Harry, and not with Louis, Niall, and Zayn but at least she is out, she hasn't been out since we crashed that bike. Come to think of it neither have I... Niall said he would be back around 9 o'clock, so I've just been sitting on the bed watching Disney channel, I know I'm sixteen but who can not watch Finding Nemo when it's on? I mean.... Come on, matter of fact just any Disney channel movie in general. I'm sorry but that's what you do when your a lame ass, you sit and watch Disney movies.

Anyways, I don't know why I did anything I did, from kissing Louis to... Well you know, I guess I just wanted to try stuff with other people. Yes, I love Niall, a lot actually. I never meant to hurt him, and I knew he was drunk when he was with that girl. I probably shouldn't of made as big of a deal out if it as I did, but who could blame me? I was pissed the fuck off.

I guess I'll just sit here and wait for him to get back, there is no point in texting him because I don't want to bug him when he is having fun...

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