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Raelynn's pov
It had been about half an hour since Niall left. I was so board so I decided to look through my contacts cause why not? I scrolled down till I reached the "k's" and there was Kassie!! Oh my god! I totally forgot about my best friend! How horrible is that!?! I decided to text her:

Omg hey, Kassie! Im so so sorry I haven't been talking to you! I am such a bad friend! I have been way busy and I have a boyfriend! You'll never guess who! Do you wanna hang out!?!?!?!

Omg hey Rae yes I want to come over!!! Sorry I havent texted you I've been busy with school you know exams and all..

Ok come to my address but go across the hall because that's where I moved because my boyfriend lives there.

Ok be there in 20 love you bye...

I love you too! Bye..

Ok so now all I had to do was catch Kassie up on my life! I can't believe I forgot about her!
I got board of waiting for Kassie so I did some of the dishes that were in the sink, I had one dish left to clean and before I could clean it there was a knock in the door. I ran to the door and opened it to see Kassie standing there I gave her a huge hug and she came inside.
"So, spill who are you dating???" She asked. "You have to wait and see when he gets home you will freak!!" I said. "Why will I freak over your boyfriend?" She asked. 'Just wait..." I answered. We we're all caught up on each others lives by now it had been 4 hours since Niall left. Speak of the devil my phone rang and it was Niall. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Rae im on my way home ok?" Niall said. "Yeah, oh my best friend Kassie is here and she is a HUGE directioner so she might freak ok?" I told Niall. "Yeah ok.. can I talk to her?" He asked. "Yeah sure!" Hold on I told him.
-Kassie! My boyfriend wants to talk to you! "Ummm... ok?"-
"Ok babe here she is your on speaker phone". "Hey Kassie what's up?". "OH MY GOD!! IS THAT? NO RAELYNN?? OH MY GOD!" Kassie yelled. "Yes it is!" I said to her. "Im sorry, Nialler?" She asked Niall. "Hi Kassie I heard your a fan when I get home you wanna hang out with me and the rest of the boys?" "Yes I would!". "Ok Raelynn see you guys in 10 love you guys" he said. "love you too Nialler!" We shouted at Niall.
"Oh my god Raelynn your DATING NIALL HORAN!?!?!?" Kassie asked. "Yes I am". I told her. "Well how did you meet?" She asked. "Well I was at my flat and I heard a loud banging nosie come from the neighbors flat, which was weird because I didn't have any new Neighbors. I grabbed a frying pan and went over to the flat that the noise was comming from, and I looked around and there was nothing. There was one more room to check and it was the bedroom. So, I walked into the bedroom and seen naked Niall.... I screamed dropped the frying pan and ran home. The next morning he came over to return my frying pan and he called me beautiful and explained what the banging nosies were (they were him moving boxes) and asked if I wanted to hang out and meet the other boys and I said yes. So then we all hung out and a couple days later Niall asked me out and I said yes and moved in with him after a while...." I explained to her. "Oh I see" Kassie said. "Yeah, so I gotta talk to you later about the other boys and me like when Niall is sleeping ok?" I asked her. "Ok yeah sure" she said. "Oh and by the way your staying the night!". "Yay!" she screamed. "I can't believe I get to meet One Direction!" She said. Niall walked through the door and said "Hey babe" "Hey" I said. I looked at Kassie her eyes were wide and she was still not moving or even blinking... "hey Kassie" Niall said. "Oh um um um um hi!' She got up and ran over to Niall. "Can i have a Horan hug? Everyone says there amazing?". "Sure, love come here". They hugged and Kassie said "wow it is as amazing as everyone says!" We all laughed.

Niall's pov
I sat down next to Raelynn with Kassie on the other side of me. She was pretty calm for being a HUGE directioner. "So babe when are we leaving?". "I dont know now?". "Ok well I better call the boys...". "can you put it on speaker phone!?!?!" Kassie asked. "Uhh... sure.."
"Ello?' Said a voice it sounded like Louis. "BooBear?". "Yes Niall?" He asked. "Raelynn has a friend over and she's a HUGE directioner so I was wondering if the rest of you and the boys wanted to meet her? she's pretty cool". I said. "Yeah sure we'd love to!' Louis said. "Nialler can I tell Louis something?" Kassie asked. ,"Go ahead". I answered. "Lou Kassie wants to say something". "Ok mate...". "hey Louis?" She asked. "Yes?" He said. "I Love you!" She said. "Awwweee I love you too and I mean it!" Louis said. "Oh my god really?" She asked. "Yes, love". He answered. "I got to go" she said. "Ok bye love see you soon!!". "Bye lou- BooBear' she said. "Ok lou-lou see you- wait where are we going?" I asked. "come to my flat?" He said. "Ok be there in thirty bye Louis.' "Bye Nialler"
"Ok so I guess I know who Kassies favorite is Louis" I said. "Ummm no actually my favorite is you but I guess now its Liam, Louis,Zayn, and Harry" Kassie said. "Oh' I said. "We better get going Rae and Kas.. I can call you Kas right?". "Yeah sure!" Kas said. "Ok Babe let's go" Raelynn said as she pulled me in for a kiss. "What was that for?" I asked and grabbed my keys. "Just because Im in love with you and all your little things!" Raelynn screamed out. "I love you too!" I yelled.

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