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Start of another year

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Start of another year


The swarm invading the gates of the school is on view and two boys cycling through the gates of the school with cycle gears on like only a helmet.

As they reached to park their cycles talking about unnecessary shits they did over the summer "So yeah Beomgyu what did you do over summer?" the boy who looked like a bunny had thin lips asked his 'gay' friend as to what he tried on during the summer.

"Oh nothing just one and a half blowjobs" listening to Beomgyu's reply the boy aka his best friend laughed out "One and a half?! why what happened for you to give 'half blowjob'" the boy asked while still laughing "Nothing just got interrupted by his parents when I was giving him a blowjob and having my fingers inside his butthole, honestly Soobin leaves the question that was the worst experience" Beomgyu explained the situation of his 'One and Half Blowjob' to an almost-passed-out-Soobin-because-of-extreme-laughter "Stop it you are embarrassing me I hate you, I am going to my class" Beomgyu expressed his embarrassment and scurried off the scene or else Soobin will most definitely make for the fun of him  "Hey! don't be the angry dude you might get to complete the half blowjob!!!" Soobin shouted to the now blushing red Beomgyu, and with that beomgyu sped off to his class well this is how the school starts.

"JinHye!! come down, you sleepyhead! you have a school you brat! Your brother has already might have reached the school, wake up!! and also bring the other sloth with you!" A man screamed at his daughter and his son, ya a single father too hard and the man here knows this when the birth father of his children died because of an accident or as he says because of his late perceptiveness of the coming car and why wasn't he in the place of his husband?

Seokjin, a single father of a young boy and two outrageous teenagers, is a psychologist at Moon Young hospital, a hospital owned by him named Moon because his husband always used to call Seokjin his moon and himself the earth around which Seokjin revolves and young because well their love was very young and vowed to be young even if they are old and all the veins can be seen and even if the skin has just reduced to bones their love for each other will always be young.

It was true Jin loved Taehyung with all his heart and soul, their story wasn't a type of cliche story of an arranged marriage nor a high school bully or crush nor a story of best friends turned lover neither of rivals fighting for the attention of each other and also definitely not one of the stories of enemies turned lover. 

Their story consisted of two constricted hearts and one mentally depressed 13-year-old. A boy 16 years old who has blocked any emotional bondage to come to his heart because of the traumatic loss of his mother, they meet because the father of 16-year-old Seokjin goes for regular sessions for the boy having despondent notions in his brain, so Seokjin, at last, agrees to meet the boy his father insists on.

𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔||𝑱𝒊𝒏𝑲𝒐𝒐𝒌|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now