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"Keep your voice and your body low will you?" a shushing voice of a girl came "Jin Hye we are not fugitives in our own house to keep our voice and body low" a young voice of a young boy came as he specifically showed with his two fingers indicating and highlighting the sentence 'voice and body low'.

"Oh come on! for once in my life, I wanted to enter my house like some thief or even an agent, Taehyun you literally end my fun" Taehyun looked at her somewhat betrayed and hurt and Jin Hye just shrugged off her shoulders, Soobin was busy in the cell phone suddenly looked up "Your fun is always shitty and you should know that-ow!" and got a smack on his head from his twin sister.

The room was dimly lit and only a bright lamp illuminated the table, a man who looked around in his late 30s was sitting near the table with glasses planted in between his nose bridge and a book dedicated to the study of psychiatry currently on the soles of his hands and the turning of pages making the only sound around the room.

He heard the front door of his house open, he sighed and thought 'They must have come home but isn't it early did these sloths do something ?' and looked at the watch, making a check of the early time.

"I am tired really, why do they do physical education to exercise our body come on the subject of physics isn't really worthy of an exercise of our brain?" Jin-Hye said as she threw her bag somewhere and plopped on the sofa and stretched her legs and laid like a beluga whale, Soobin snickered from the position of her twin and Jin-Hye looked at him with raised eyebrows and he stopped but smiled wickedly as now he held his cell phone in between his hands and Jin-Hye's eyes widened with realization.

"Hehe, see you're gonna give me your phone, I will delete it and give your phone back, simple enough deal isn't it?" she sprang up from the couch and looked at wickedly smiling Soobin and brought out her hands carefully in an attempt to take the cell phone but Soobin was a big giant if you take in consideration his height and for which Jin-Hye in comparison was just a little honey bee or a murmuring mosquito.

"Hmm, what if I don't give my cell phone to you? or ah! best how about I show this ugly ass sprawled like a starfish to your oh so handsome and beautiful crush huh huh?" Soobin mocked the profusely sweating tense Jin-Hye 

"No please see I will do whatever you want really!" Soobin raised his eyebrows "Really?" He scoffed dramatically.

"Forgot that time I asked you for my mint choco ice cream and you didn't bring it and you lost a BET against ME! I don't want any shit from you and I just want my precious Zebronics headphones back along with the MP3 player" 

Jin Hye stopped at the sneaky moment to take the phone and looked utterly confused at what Soobin was speaking "You mean the headphones and MP3 player which Dad gave you as appa's remembrance gift?" 

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