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It Finally Happened

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It Finally Happened


The sizzling sound in the dark and the burning flame of the steadfast fire surrounded by a circle of bricks and being burnt and increased to provide warmth by making the fire eat more wood, stood Seokjin and Jungkook side by side sizzling meat on the setup barbeque grill.

The cold winds of the night blew across them giving a gush of the sweet heaven night and making them relax their posture under the translucent distant obscure light of the moon which hung like a half-smiling silver plate above in the dark sky.

The kids were currently selecting some songs to perform in the karaoke which was furnished inside the forest house while Seokjin stood with a beer in his hands sipping it occasionally when he turns around the meat to grill it on all sides.

Jungkook came behind him with some coriander and sauces to put on and garnish the meat grilled on the square steel boxes of the barbeque, he leaned a bit and tiptoed above the level of Seokjin's broad shoulder, which hindered his vision of seeing what was happening, and he saw the sizzling smell of the well-cooked meat.

He sniffed the air a little to get the aroma that wafted from the barbeque and Seokjin stopped his motion when he felt someone breathing in his neck, the breath seemed so fresh and then he realized someone was leaning up against him, and he knew who it was feeling the lean figure above his back, Seokjin stiffened and held the steel tongs tight on his hands.

Jungkook saw Seokjin's hands turn white because of the tight hold on the tongs, he was worried that Seokjin might hurt his fingers if put any further pressure on the tongs, he gently placed on Seokjin's hand not knowing what he actually was doing to Seokjin's heart.

Seokjin cannot handle it, he cannot handle the beating and raging of his foolish heart, the only best thing he seems to do well right now is just turn around, and give a warm hug to Jungkook behind him so he did so, he turned around his heels kept the tongs on the barbeque stand and as soon as he turned in a flash it was a surprise for Jungkook.

Jungkook was surprised, shocked, and foremost he did not expect Seokjin to turn so abruptly and face him that he lost his balance and being the clumsy him, his legs tripped on the dry grass and he almost fell when Seokjin held him by the waist but because of their distance being too close and their legs almost tangling Seokjin lost his balance too in the haze of the situation.

Seokjin fell atop Jungkook but not before putting a protective hand under Jungkook's head and his waist and they both fell with a grunt on top of the bushy grass underneath Jungkook shut close his eyes in fear of breaking his head but he didn't feel anything yet he kept his eyes closed for a while.

Seokjin who was on top of him had his eyes widened, his eyes taking in the close features of Jungkook, how he had a small mole just by his chin and how Jungkook had a little deep cut by his cheek closer to his eyes which was apparently given to him by Seokjin himself when they were playing sword fight with branches of the very sharp twigs of trees they found.

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