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"Dad come out faster!" Seokjin heard from outside while he was busy grooming his hair, he sighed and just took the bag from the corner of his bed and went downstairs.

He looked at his own kids and Jungkook's kids excitedly waiting for him, Jungkook's kids were excited and overwhelmed to go to the forest vacation house with their friends and maybe their soon-to-be brother and sister, they cannot contain in them to wait in their house and rather decided to come to Seokjin's house.

Seokjin expected Jungkook to be present with them too but to his utter disappointment he was not present along with his kids, Jungkook said he had some work setting up the vacation house or asking someone to do it, Seokjin did not hear it clearly because he was lost in those doe eyes staring right back at him.

Seokjin groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration as he walked out with the suitcase in his hand "You groomed your hair just to truffle it back to a messy style?" Seokjin peaked his eyes to his utmost shock and saw Jungkook standing in the doorway of their bungalow, he widened his eyes seeing Jungkook come closer to him.

Seokjin shook his head vigorously to see clearly and if he was seeing a delusion, he straightened his back when he saw the silhouette of Jungkook coming to him still with a smile, Jungkook put some strands of his ruffled hair back and pressed his hands flat on his head and patted his head to make the strands of hair sit on his head perfectly.

Jungkook was leaning a bit up because of their slight height difference which made Seokjin think of how cute he looked while focusing on his hair, what he didn't expect was Jungkook to slip suddenly and fall on top of him.

Thankful for Seokjin's fast instincts he held onto Jungkook's waist and prevented him from falling down, Seokjin staggered a bit with his hands still on Jungkook's waist and Jungkook's hands instinctively reaching for Seokjin's neck to hold him and secure himself from falling, they forgot their kids were watching them and they stared at each other's eyes not able to hide the prominent love blooming amongst them.

Yeonjun cleared his throat comically and mumbled "Get a room" hearing this Jungkook and Seokjin parted away, Seokjin's hands fell aside and Jungkook climbed away a little like a little bunny, they both were panting like a red sun as their neck and ears got the blood rushed there.

"We will be going by bus, how about you two come by car, after the car cannot hold us all right?" Jin-hye suggested when Seokjin was packing all their luggage in the storage of the car, leaning his head out and keeping a hand on the open lid of the storage he arched an eyebrow at Jin-Hye "This car is an SUV Jin-hye" he said and closed the lid with a thud.

Seokjin dusted his hands and stared at Jungkook who nodded at his notion "It is right no need for the kids to go by bus when we have two cars" Yeonjun, Hueining, and Beomgyu stared at each other and frowned conveying a telepathic message.

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