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Wedding Night

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Wedding Night


"No sex, no dirtying the beds I bet you!" Jin-hye said pointing her fingers at her father who just came back to their hotel room after a tiring experience of dancing and a wedding, their wedding which was held this night, was the most beautiful of all things.

"Oh we are old people we won't do anything today," Seokjin said dismissing Jin-hye's concerns about dirtying their bed "Yes I surely agree on that with him," Jungkook said with a big smile etched on his face as he looped his hands around Seokjin's arms and planted a sweet kiss on his cheeks.

"But it is your wedding night what would you do?" Soobin asked raising an eyebrow and keeping his hands intact on his waist "I guess just sleep" they both said in unison to the kids with a shrug, the kids looked at each other and sighed.

"Sleep with protection, we dont want any new brothers or sisters," Yeonjun said his voice grimacing at the thought of their fathers having sex and Jungkook giving birth to a little one "We also dont want to take care of another half bunch of trouble, as we said we are old, now let us go," Seokjin said making the same face as Yoenjun and looking at each kid.

The kids just nodded and shrugged with a smile as they went towards their respective hotel rooms, Beomgyu turned around for a while "Use protection and lock the doors dads!" he screamed in the hallway making Jungkook angry and almost using the black shoe at his feet to hit him.

Beomgyu laughed and went away to his room while Seokjin laughed too at what Beomgyu said "You dont laugh at this type of joke" Jungkook said with a frown and hit Seokjin on his chest lightly.

"It was funny I could do nothing," Seokjin said and looped his hands tightly around Jungkook's waist and leaned down to loop another hand on his inner thighs and picked up Jungkook, Jungkook expecting to picked yelped because of him being lifted up so immediately and fast, he blushed red and hid his face in Seokjin's crook of the neck.

"So what do we plan to do?" Seokjin said rubbing his hair to get the water out and looking at Jungkook who was sprawled on the bed and looked up with a smile at Seokjin "How about a little takeout, a good movie, and a very nice sleep schedule for today I am tired" Jungkook said sighing and keeping his head back on the bed.

Seokjin laughed and jumped beside Jungkook kissing him on the lips and winking at him while picking up the hotel phone to make a call for food "You got it love" and Jungkook chuckled getting up from the bed and moving his legs to mincing steps toward the television which was present and chose some movies to binge at together.

"We are really getting old," Jungkook said sighing as the food container was laid down beside the bed they slept on, Seokjin turned around getting out the little burp that made its way, and looked at Jungkook instead of the movie "Yes we are getting old" Jungkook was having his utmost attention to the movie hummed at Seokjin's words.

𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔||𝑱𝒊𝒏𝑲𝒐𝒐𝒌|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now