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Plan B:- Planning its success 

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Plan B:- Planning its success 


"Okay wait bye bye, I will talk to you later Soobin, now is not the time, yes we will meet at the house, You are going so early okay sure I will come soon" 

Jin-Hye hurriedly called off the call seeing the paused footage again, she never expected that their dads can go this further of having so proximity while her dad holds Jungkook's waist, it was seriously a brain whacking serious moment.

"Is this what you think it is?" 

Yeonjun looked over to Jin-Hye with a confused face, confused because of the overly knotted-up question  asked by her, He is so confused by so many things happening around him he just cannot get his head in one place

 "What do you want to imply?" Jin-hye looked down at a confused Yeonjun with a raised eyebrow, 

"How the fuck do you not understand what I am trying to imply?"

Yeonjun just shrugged his shoulders callously staring at the paused picture of the video "I am dumb maybe?"

"Forgot about that sorry" Jin-Hye muttered mindlessly roaming her hands on the mousepad to find exactly what happened for her father and her to be soon her appa while Yeonjun stared at her with disbelief at the aimless insult thrown upon him 

"I am older than you remember that!"

"By just one year idiot, and we are going to be brother and sister anyways" Yeonjun could not decipher anything she said still gazing her eyes at the screen "Wait! Got it!"

She played the video seeing the replay of how Jungkook tripped on Seokjin's sprawled-up feet and spilled his coffee on his boot and how he was almost on the verge of kissing the floor flat on his face.

How Seokjin got hold of Jungkook, they both stared at it with gawking eyes, staring at a digital screen not even giving one glance to the old rusted books in the library for once.

"Aish my shoes got ruined, but thank god his face didn't,"

Seokjin said under his breath as he was shaking off the remaining latte on top of his shoes while forwarding for his mansion's door 

"The kids aren't home yet? Where are they? Soobin! Jin-Hye! Taehyun!" he screamed not finding the presence of either of his kids, while he was going to the second series of screams he heard a voice screaming back 'coming', recognizing it as Taehyun's he sighed 

"They are home, I wonder why there is no commotion"

Taehyun coming down saw his father removing his shoes and before even Seokjin got the chance to at least open up the tight restraints of the tie he was in a bone-crushing hug by his younger kid whom he never expected to run like that towards him 

"What happened Taehyun where are you, twin siblings?" Seokjin said chuckling rummaging his hands through the smooth locks of Taehyun's hair, looking up Taehyun subtly pointed at the blob present on top of the sofa.

"Is that Soobin?" Taehyun nodded hearing Seokjin whisper slightly, scrunching his eyebrows he forwarded to his son to pick him up and at least let him sleep on top of his bed so he doesn't get a sprain but before he even does Soobin woke up rubbing his eyes seeing the outline of his father standing there 

"Oh, dad you came! I thought you would want to discuss something about our birthday celebration thought of waking up and waiting for you but I was tired because of classes, shall we discuss it then?"

Seokjin nodded at the continuous rumbling of his son "Soobin calm down and tell him where is Jin-Hye"

"I am here dad!" 

He heard a shrill voice booming from the kitchen, went inside and seeing he saw her daughter cooking up something on her own 

"I wonder what kept them so quiet" 

Who would tell him the excitement of their dad, at last, coming close to their soon-to-be appa was too much so they were trying their level best to keep their calm by not just bursting in different questions like the roadside aunties but who would tell them what words were shared in between those adults thereafter 

"Come and sit at the table I have many things to discuss with you all"

Setting up his brief on top of the table he sat down along with the three of his kids 

"Okay, so we will finish it fast, freshen up and buy everything starting tomorrow and sleep today peacefully okay? Promise me" nodding their heads the twins took out a bunch of lists of which they would like or actually love to be there at their birthday party including the name 'Dae-Hyun

"Why do you want him at your birthday party?" 

They both shrugged their shoulders simultaneously smiling at the back of their heads because of the plan they would execute soon 

"I don't know what plan you guys are spewing up, so it is final that we invite Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, and as per your list Dae-Hyun too, and your three friends, wait for only three? Do you want your sweet sixteen to end with these many people itself? I remember how grandly I had celebrated my own sixteenth birthday" 

Seokjin stated with the utmost shock at his kids actually being cooped up like this.

Jin-Hye and Soobin shrugged their shoulders once again staring at their father as if it doesn't matter to them 

"Dad birthdays are too overrated nowadays" Taehyun stated, taking his book from the dining table which he apparently was reading when they were continuing their boring conversation which he won't like to take part in any hell 

"I will go then" picking up his book and his pace of feet he ran upstairs to his room.

Seokjin saw Taehyun go away from there 

"Kids are you really sure?" the twin nodded again "We are fully sure of our decision dad and now I am sleepy have a good sleep okay dad we have a lot to prepare," Soobin said giving his father a peck on his forehead and going along with Jin-hye who followed the same steps as her brother.

Who would say Seokjin about the reason behind, why they don't want a grand birthday?

"I am sure the plan B which I am planning will have its success and I am sure of it!" 

Jin-Hye muttered under her breath for her dad to not listen to her words, he sat on the chair still shocked about why his own kids are refusing to have a widespread sixteenth birthday party.    


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