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"So like every gay move their hands like this, like this you know" Soobin continuously shoved his hands in a weird movement which caused Taehyun to be overly annoyed who stood beside his brother trying to shove off all the stereotypical doubts from his brother's mind.

"You have a friend who is gay, I should say like a perfect gay, why don't you go to him and ask these questions?" Taehyun softly muttered gritting his teeth when Soobin did not stop his hands from moving in front of Taehyun's face, Taehyun tried his best to keep away the hands by hitting them with minimal force or punching it hard sometimes.

"Just stop annoying your brother Soobin" Seokjin softly said coming from inside the house, his eyes having intended concentration on the brightened phone screen.

"I was not annoying him, was I?" Taehyun nodded at Soobin's question making the elder gasp "How could you hurt your brother" Taehyun looked straight at Soobin's dramatic behavior and gave a flick to his eye causing it to roll which showed he was clearly annoyed by Soobin.

"I seriously cannot believe you can do that to me" Taehyun brushed him off with another flick of his hand when Soobin started shoving his face to show how sad he was when Taehyun brushed him away from himself.

"Why are you two fighting?" Seokjin asked now himself irritated at the antics of his two sons.

"I was just asking what really does a gay person do," Soobin said innocently, and came to a gasp from Taehyun now who pointed his fingers at Soobin and then at him with anger slowly rising to his brain "How can a movement and motion of hands reckon I am gay?"

Soobin pointed a knowing finger at the words of Taehyun and shrugged his shoulder "See I said it's gay" Taehyun gasped again offended or highly offended at the words of Soobin "How is it supposed to be gay?" He screamed and looked at Seokjin who held his phone still and looked at Taehyun with gaped mouth unable to process any words and defend Taehyun at all in this matter.

Seokjin closed his mouth and diverted his attention back to his phone trying his best to avoid the offended eyes of Taehyun who looked at him with offended eyes and scoffed turning his face away, Seokjin looked at Taehyun apologetically before looking back at his cell phone screen.

Seokjin looked back to see Taehyun still offended and looking at Soobin with total disinterest, he looked there were only two of them and he raised his eyebrows at a question "Where is Jin-Hye?" Soobin casually shrugged his shoulders and leaned on the car beside him with his hands inside the pocket.

"She said she needs something so she rushed in" Seokjin nodded at his words because he did see Jin-hye running inside "I am here!" three of the boys looked back to see Jin-Hye carrying three bags, Seokjin raised his eyebrows high above at another peculiar questioning gaze "Why are there three bags Jin-Hye? You need three bags?"

𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔||𝑱𝒊𝒏𝑲𝒐𝒐𝒌|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now