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An Eventful Sunday

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An Eventful Sunday


Seokjin was checking out and arranging all the books on his lovely bookshelf with a pair of glasses hanging from the v-collar of his shirt, he looked around for a specimen of books hissing and dusting real fast as soon as he sees some dirt on the antique bookshelf.

Why antique? because it was given by Taehyung's grandmother, great isn't it, he just still keeps the shelf, not because of his grandmother-in-law but because Taehyung liked it very much.

He smiled at the reminiscence of his beautiful past with his gorgeous husband who is unfortunately now up in heaven looking after him and his three children, he sighed and continued the work he was doing.

At last, when he found his desired search object he sighed with contentment as he headed toward by taking his hanging glasses from his v-collar cloth and sitting on the table in the middle of the room as he placed the pair of glasses on top of the nose bridge and opened the books, going through each and every page.

Suddenly when he reached a particular page of the book named 'Psychology based on Love and misunderstandings' he was disturbed by a loud thud and bang which resonated through the room, as Jin Hye showed her appearance in his room and he hissed at the loud noise in the early morning of a day to relax.

"Dad! You should have screamed, man! I thought I jump scared you!" Jin Hye whined as Seokjin closed his book knowing that he won't get any peace to read the book any further on as his daughter as already infiltrated his space.

"Do you really want me to scream like a girl now?" 

Jin Hye in desperation and looked with a shocked expression at her dad and scoffed"Huh! How can You say that Girls scream! You are not keeping the gender equality there mister, that is what you taught us, gender equality! where is it now?" Seokjin nodded with full agreement and just pointed his finger close to Jin-hye's leg and said

"Well there is a cockroach right there"

Jin Hye became pale with fright as she screamed at top of her lungs and ran towards her Father's side hiding her face in his chest 

"Save me, god! Please!" Seokjin just shrugged as he proved his point but patted his daughter's head with a smile adorning his face feeling sorry for what he has just done

"Okay stop now, there is no cockroach there, calm down now" he tried shushing the shaking girl as she looked up with teary eyes "You are a badie dad" she pouted which contrasted with the same pouting face of his dead Lover and her appa, Taehyung.

"I am sorry, forgive me please?" Seokjin reacted back with the same cute doe eyes and Jin Hye couldn't resist her father's cuteness she just nodded giving a smooch on his cheeks, bold for a fifteen-year-old, but hey she liked her dad.

𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔||𝑱𝒊𝒏𝑲𝒐𝒐𝒌|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now