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It's Done!

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It's Done!


"And that is how these two little angels were born because of the Mission Father introduced by their great, extravagantly beautiful sister Jin-hye" Jin-hye recited the words from a book that had a name on its cover, the name was Mission Fathers.

Soobin raised his eyebrow at the last sentence which Jin-hye said "Oh please Taehyun wouldn't have written that last line, did you?" he averted his gaze to Taehyun who had the same confused expression as any other kid inside the room, taehyun swayed his head in negation and Jin-hye groaned "Okay fine I put it, they have to hear how great their sister is"

Jin-hye said pointing at the three-year-old twins who looked up at Jin-hye with sparkling eyes, "We said them to use protection"

"Protwection? What's that?" one of the twins asked with innocence lacing his voice and the other twin just averted her gaze towards Soobin and Jin-hye waiting for the answer "Um, JungJoon it is actually you will learn about it once you grow"

"How much till we learn!" The little girl beside her brother JungJoon replied "Um Like seventeen? Taeji why are you two so bent upon knowing what protection is, did you enjoy the story?" Taeji, the baby girl, and JungJoon nodded showing the tooth which had come at their age.

"So sleep now, or else Dad will come and scold us, we certainly dont want that do we?" Taehyun said in a childish manner and Taeji and JungJoon close their eyes shut laying their heads on the pillow and Soobin draped the quilt on top of them.

Taeji and Jungjoon were the same as Seokjin and Jungkook, they both had Jungkook's eyes but Seokjin's smile, they had Jungkook's antics so Seokjin's calmness, and they were both a perfect blend of their love, but currently to bloom the love more Seokjin had taken Jungkook out to a romantic date under the cherry blossoms in the spring.

"But why do you only get the one to be praised for this mission it is unfair" Yeonjun whined as all the kids took their places on the bed in Jin-hye's room "What do you mean? If it was not for me then who?" Soobin pointed to himself and everyone around the room telling they all should be credited "We all put out lives on the line" Jin-hye chuckled slowly and sarcastically "Lives on line? If dad knew I was the one who got him drunk I would have been dead"

"We were all present there, we were all going to be dead!" Yeonjun snickered from the back and Huening looked at him annoyed at the unexpected snicker "What are you laughing at?" 

"I was the one who mixed the strong tequila" Beomgyu stopped everyone as they gasped "I saw it anyways but if I haven't told Yeonjun to drive the car fast here, we would have never got the idea of mixing the alcohol!" 

"Oh please we have all put out lives on line," Jin-hye said slamming the hardcover of the book showcasing the bold letters which had written Mission father with "It is done, the Mission is completed! Our Fathers are united, they fucked, and they got us two twins, who look so damn beautiful, its done, the mission is fucking completed!" She screamed slamming the book on the bed.

Everyone nodded fearfully at the hysteria which was shown by Jin-hye at the moment, they saw the book which was exclusively written by Taehyun and Heuning covering all the experiences they had during the completion of the meeting with their fathers.

"But when are they even gonna come from their date?" Huening asked as a matter of fact, it was already past 11:30 and they forgot it as they were busy arguing about who was the best in this so-called mission that they forgot it has been too late for their fathers to stay.

Just as Jin-hye was going to shrug and speak they heard the front door opening.

Seokjin and Jungkook entered their house in a rush, in a rush to open the keys, in a rush to grope each other, and in a rush to kiss each other fully, Seokjin was impatient, as soon as they entered the house in the living room, he pinned Jungkook to the opening door and shutting it close so the outside world doesn't see what sin he is going to create in this sinful dark night.

Seokjin threw off his jacket on the floor and removed his shoes as he slowly held onto Jungkook's waist kissing him full on the lips, Jungkook moaned arching his back away from the wall and holding his hands inside the strands of Seokjin's hair.

Jungkook craned his neck for Seokjin to get more access to what he wanted to do to him, they did not bother if the kids looked or not because they probably thought they were asleep but it was faraway from the scenario that they thought.

The kids slowly made their way out of the room and leaned on the railing which was closed to the stairs and looked at their fathers, Seokjin was holding Jungkook's hands above his head and Jungkook arching his back touching their abdomens together to moan and groan at the impact.

"They arent planning for another bunch of kid sets are they?" Beomgyu replied sweating as his gay ass watched the scene of their fathers kissing so vehemently unfold in front of him but hissed when he got a hard hit from Soobin "Keep your gay ass down, they are our fathers!"

"Just because they are our fathers we cannot let them increase the population" Taehyun replied looking at them with creased eyebrows.

Seokjin and Jungkook were both drunk to even hear the whisper of their kids just above the stairs, Seokjin took hold of Jungkook's waist and waltzed across the room to settle them both on the couch as Seokjin lay on top of Jungkook clumsily and Jungkook chuckled and giggled at Seokjin cute tricks.

The kids groaned and sighed in relief that they weren't planning to release more semen and increase the possible increased population and saw thier fathers laying tangled up in a drunk mess lying over each other and snoring with smiles on their face, Jin-hye faceplamed herself seeing the cute scene to stop herself from smiling like an idiot.

"Its finally done, they are together now, its done peasents!" Jin-hye whispered but screamed the last sentence making all the kids look at her and then at their fathers on the couch and sigh with a smile etched on everyone's face.






A/N:- Ya I know a fast ending but oneshots of it would come in JinKook oneshot book of mine so dont worry!

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