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Our Appa

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Our Appa


Jungkook was sitting still in his cabin, which still meant he was unmoving but for his eyes which gazed over the paper held in between his hands.

Apparently checking out the schedule of surgery which have been appointed to him, yes he studied cosmetology but he, later on, went with doing a Master's in surgery and became a plastic surgeon.

He looked around yet again lost in his own thoughts, of what to shop for his kids in the grocery or what to cook for the hungry pigs in his house, or even how to kill that cockroach, wait a cockroach? 

His eyes widened seeing the cockroach over there smothering the whitewashed basins of the floor with its tiny five legs which actually made Jungkook stand on his two legs above the seat he was just taking his suit on.

His eyes wandered along the path followed by the cockroach and seeing that heinous creature forwarding towards him, made him fold his legs more up as he balanced himself on top of the small swivel chair cursing Seokjin yet again for creating or buying such chairs and not cleaning each cabin properly.

Seeing a book nearby, meant he just has to lean his back, lean on the chair for a moment too, and get the book in his hands to place it on the too-excited cockroach on the floor

He did it because his heart was beating too fast for its own good and he might get a myocardial infarction if he waits any longer, leaning in he touched the book with his fingers catching it with a lightning pace and throwing it with a smash at top of the cockroach.

He slipped down from his chair, also dropped a bit on the floor, opened the door with his sweaty hands, screaming all the way, and ran outside the door just to jump on the person who was just passing by his cabin.

He held the neck of the person tightly while folding his legs on the person's torso, his jerk of jumping on the person caused the person to shake a bit but caught Jungkook in place.

Jungkook sighed a breath of relief seeing the cockroach nowhere but he realized he was hugging someone seeing down he saw the face of Seokjin who was still holding him in place by his waist while Jungkook hugged the neck of Seokjin too tight and his legs folding tight around Seokjin embarrassed at the position they were currently in.

If Jungkook could lean a bit more he would just claim those plump lips while Seokjin stared at him unfazed but his heart? it was beating at a rapid pace of having someone so close to him other than his late husband.

Jungkook immediately released himself from the hold of Seokjin and jumped to straighten himself and stood on the floor not while having Seokjin's hand on his waist holding him for support.

Concerned for Jungkook to not fall on the hard tiles, Jungkook cleared his throat and looked up to see an equally embarrassed Seokjin whose ears were red and the veins of his neck popping out making him too hot for Jungkook and the red creeping through his cheeks and neck was actually kind of funny to watch.

Clearing his throat once again he said 

"I am sorry Mr. Kim I should have maintained my distance from you" 

Seokjin looked at him with widened eyes, he felt hurt hearing it from the person in front of him who reminded him of the love he had for Taehyung, he should not feel hurt but still, he cannot help it, he could not just accept to ask sorry for it because of the overriding ego in himself instead he stupidly asked 

"Do you know a better place to get a makeup gift pack, for it is my daughter's birthday and oh you are also invited here is the card"

Jungkook received the card but it actually felt awkward when he heard the robotic and strained voice of Seokjin who was looking everywhere but at him 

"Sure you can come to my shop to get it, or maybe I can bring it for you and give it to you?" Seokjin nodded to the sweet voice of Jungkook making him struggle, still not able to figure out the weird stunts of his heart he cleared his throat pacing his footsteps, and ran from there, leaving a blushing Jungkook behind because he realized late what just happened.

"No, you are giving that to me Yeonjun!" 

Beomgyu screamed seeing his favorite thing on the palms of his brother's hands who just showed him his middle finger continuing to eat the cheesy nachos while doing his homework surprising Huening actually.

"You always eat up those cheese nachos which appa buys for all of us you fat pig!" 

Beomgyu screamed once again lunging forward on the table to get the bowl of cheese-filled nachos in his own possession but got snatched out of it yet again by Yeonjun 

"Ugh! just give it to me you doofus!"

"Keep your gay ass out of these nachos, you bee" Beomgy reached the final bars of his rage, keeping a death glare at Yeonjun who chewed on the cheesy nachos keeping his mocking gaze on the raging Beomgyu.

"Guys stop, would you? You both are brothers! And do your freaking homework instead of fighting over a small bowl of nachos, we have to do our homework before appa comes, remember, or else he wouldn't give us money to buy the things we want for Soobin and Jin-Hye so get over with it" 

Hening said glaring at both of his brothers and snatching away the bowl keeping it in between going back to writing his maths exercises until a thought occurred to him "Where is Appa?"

Yeonjun checked his phone incase of any messages while still chewing the bits of the chips 

"He said he is in a department store?" he said reading the message while Huening and Beomgyu just nodded.

Huening actually can't believe how fast the argument between the two brothers stopped who now just peacefully ate the chips in the midst of doing their respective homework.

Suddenly they heard the clicks of the door opening their house and saw Jungkook coming in with a lot of packages held in his hands, he kept those on the floor and sighed but something clicked in his brain.

The incident which led today for him to jump on Seokjin, he felt utterly embarrassed, his face burning yet again running to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face while Huening stared at the weird sparkling red of his father's cheeks while the two of his brothers just went on to do with their homework.

Huening just stared at his appa with raised eyebrows, softly muttering "What Happened to our appa?" 

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