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Say What?

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Say What?


Seokjin was sipping the coffee after keeping away his ice pack, he felt his heart flutter after so many days since he saw 'him' again.

He had his spectacles lowered down trying to get the captured photographic memory of Jungkook out of his mind, he did not know what was the force that was pulling him towards the man he forgot even existed after the said male left him a long time ago.

Seokjin was confused with all the past rushing upon his head, he was frustrated beyond knowing, but ofcourse he couldn't show it in front of his kids now can he? How can he follow his heart and love a guy from his past what would his kids think about him? Will his kids even like the guy he dates? He was confused by all the questions, he was in distress and a dilemma.

"Good morning dad!" Seokjin nodded his head toward his excited twins and sipped another gulp of his black coffee.

"Good morning kids, where is Taehyun?" Seokjin said looking up to see only the twins taking their lunch boxes inside their bags which he made in a rush and could not find Taehyun anywhere "He is coming down dad, he has something important to say to you" Soobin said while the twins just made their way out of the house "So you won't accompany your brother too!?" Seokjin screamed seeing the retreating figures of his twins and groaned what a start to the day.

"Taehyun! We are getting late come on get ready" Seokjin screamed hurriedly wearing his watch.

Just then Taehyun came down the stairs with fidgeting fingers and a scratchy throat "I want to tell you something dad" he uttered.

Seokjin nodded and frustrated with the watch not attaching to his wrist he groaned but still he uttered softly "Yes Taehyun what is it?"

"You know I was up late at night yesterday right" Seokjin stopped whatever he was doing catching his focus on what Taehyun had to say to him "Yes well I wanted to ask about it but now you came with it so go on"

"Do you want to know the truth or the lie?" Seokjin pursed his lip at the question asked by his son.

"How harsh is the truth" showing his fingers together to demonstrate how harsh the truth can be and it had a gap much to fit a small elephant replica "Well I will accept the truth"

"I was drawing nudes," Taehyun said in clear-cut words.

Seokjin stopped at his track to bring Taehyun's lunch box and looked back at his son with raised eyebrows "Seriously what phenomenal phase are you growing into?" Releasing what he said.

"Oh my god, what is wrong with me?" Seokjin said keeping the back of his hand on his mouth.

"And it was not of females it was of males, I mean I am more attracted to a male person, or to put it simply I am gay"

"Come sit here" Seokjin motioned Taehyun to sit down on the chair of the dining table.

"See Taehyun it does not matter the sexuality you are attracted to what matters is for you to find the right person at the right time, if you just go out there hungry for love and affection then you are going to pick the right person at the wrong time" Seokjin took a deep breath to continue his words.

"I don't care whom you like because it's your life and I know you will somehow get through it and whenever you fall I am always there behind you but I don't want to be like the overindulgent parent in our relationship no I don't want to, but please be wise and don't say that I knew the guy or girl was a red flag but I was color blind"

Taehyun chuckled at his dad's words "You are going out of context dad"

"Let's just absorb the moment in" Seokjin shushed his son who was giggling at his dad's antics "If we absorb the moment then I am going to be late for school"


"What appa?!" Beomgyu screamed back and Jungkook raised his eyebrows keeping his hands on his waist "Dont show your little attitude to me you young man, remember you are still"

"Ya I know I am still grounded with a curfew of 10:30, I am going to die soon at this prison of misery, and I am not even twenty"

"Stop being a dramatic little bee" Beomgyu gasped holding hands to his chest "What is wrong with this household and calling me a bee?"

"You talk and follow like a bee hence the name my brother," Yeonjun said chewing on the last piece of bread.

"Stop it Yeonjun, so as I was I was saying, you were decent, which was surprising, these past days, so I will reduce your time out"

"Oh if only you knew what marks he scored recently in a maths test" Beomgyu panicked and closed the mouth of Huening Kai who made out an unreasonable moan to leave him "How much did you get Beomgyu?" Jungkook asked in a deep voice making Beomgyu loosen his grip a little making Huening get away from his brother's gift and screamed"He got an A minus!" Beomgyu widened his eyes showing a feeling of betrayal from his own brother.

Suddenly Jungkook hugged him "You got an A minus!? Oh my god, Beomgyu you are improving!"

"How is it improving? He got an A minus!" Huening made it clear by dragging each word in the sentence "Didn't you know he used to get B minus he is improving!"

"Well this is kind of weird "Beomgyu muttered still hugged by Jungkook and Huening huffed out an exasperated breath "Not fair! I get an A plus on all of my tests, why don't I get a hug?" 

Suddenly he was pulled too in a tight hug by the strong arms of Jungkook, Yeonjun watching all of the hugging session of his family saw that he was the next target of his father's hug so he himself declared something "No need to give me a hug, I any way get B plus still on my test, and we are going to be late for school" 

Leaving them from the hug Jungkook shooed them out of the house.

"Me.Jeon?" Seokjin looked up from the x-rays of his surgery which he had to conduct in the next two hours "Yes Mr.Kim? You asked for me?" Seokjin gave a curt nod placing all of the papers down on the table neatly and keeping down his glasses he stared at the beautiful eyes of Jungkook which made something flip in his chest, he cleared his throat to get himself clear of these thoughts.

Jungkook was following Seokjin's gaze and felt intimated by the gaze and lost in those brown hazel eyes and he didn't make any effort to hide it "Seeing your department of plastic surgery increasing our monetary value to a high level I would like to increase the plastic surgery sector along with neurosurgery and give you a promotion Mr.Jeon, you earned it and the salary may start from the first week of the next month. Are you fine with it Mr.Jeon?"

Jungkook had its eyes bulged out looking at the moving lips of Seokjin which uttered the words for which he fought with all his might "Say what now?" He whispered slowly.

Jungkook had its eyes bulged out looking at the moving lips of Seokjin which uttered the words for which he fought with all his might "Say what now?" He whispered slowly

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A/n:- okkkkk oof last chapter for now will come with the next chapter on March byeeee sunshines and my sunflowers!!

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