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My Safe Space

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My Safe Space



Seokjin who was peacefully looking into the contents of his book heard his daughter tap his attention away from the book towards her, he just hummed knowing very well why she was there.

"Dad, you are hearing me?" 

Jin-hye repeated it taking a seat beside Seokjin on the white couch sitting just on the front porch of their house.

Seokjin hummed once again, his attention already away from the book and total concentration on the words of his daughter 

"I want to tell you something" this was the revelation moment he was waiting for, that is the reason he just picked out a romance novel that belonged to his late lover and started reading though not understanding any chemistry of it.

Closing the book with a slight thud sound and lightning speed made Jin-hye slowly see her dad in the eyes of suspicion, 

"Why are you even reading a romance novel?" that was the suspicious thought that swirled through her head, she was excited at some point inside her heart knowing that at last her father is going into the age of bubbling romance it was enough for her to relieve and feels excited to rev up her mission once again but no it wasn't the time.

Seokjin cleared his throat and sensing the shy side of her dad she decided why not tease him more 

"What now that you will be turning forty makes something Buble for sexual needs or romantic needs huh dad?"

 She saw her dad's ears go red because of embarrassment "Hya! That is not how you speak with your father you understood young lady?" Seokjin tried covering his embarrassment with a mask by pulling out a dad card but she had Taehyung's blood too "Both of you are up against me from the day you were born" Seokjin muttered remembering the sweet moments of his late lover.

Jin-hye couldn't hear what her dad said but she scooted closer to wrap her hands around him hugging him tightly and keeping her head on his chest hearing the rhythmic beating of her father's heart 

"I miss him dad" the background became ominous from the lifting background it was just now, Seokjin exactly knew whom she is talking about, he missed him too very dearly 

"I miss him too sweetpea" that nickname gave her tingles, gave her goosebumps, and excited her heart but made her spook away remembering the last night, the blood.

"He was very good-hearted wasn't he?" she asked earnestly looking at her father's face still hugging him tightly while he wrapped a fatherly warmth around her, she saw the change of mood on her dad's face, a smile reassuring the tired face "He was the sweetest one could have ever seen" the adoration with which her dad spoke those words made her feel guilty to make her father set up with anyone but that is what her appa told last night isn't it? 

"How was he exactly dad?" 

She heard her dad rumble a light laugh before beginning 

"What can I say? He was the unpredictable type, sometimes happy and sometimes so angry you will be kicked out of the house if you dont bring his favorite ice cream flavor, I got kicked out twice because of bringing strawberry his favorite ice cream instead of mint choco because it seemed the baby wanted and I should have known, I was depressed, got into the deep pools of stress and that is when he came swimming towards me finding me and taking me out of that breathless part of my life, I miss him, whenever I lost control over my anger he would be there, whenever I didn't feel like it he will be there until I said everything to him, he was everything I asked, no one can match up to him" a single tear drop escaped out which wasn't unnoticed by Jin-hye, she slowly wiped that off giving a kiss to his cheek making Seokjin smile and look at her 

"But see now I have three versions of the sweetest person who left me" 

Jin-hye knew even though he smiled and said those lifting things it doesn't make his heart at peace, she will do anything to make her dad happy "I saw him last night in my dream dad" Seokjin's eyes widened he didn't expect his teen daughter to actually tell it 

"Let me tell you a small secret dad, even though I was four years old when appa died I saw how he stood there in the middle of the road not making any sort of move when the high-speeding car came towards him, he smiled like the brightest angels that existed and that is when I heard the thud and his body laid on the floor of the ground dead with blood all around, you couldn't see it because you were busy with handling crying Taehyun and a sleeping Soobin but I saw it, dad"

Jin-hye sniffled a sob as tears streamed down her eyes while Seokjin held her tightly in his embrace shocked to the core to hear it but not an ounce of hatred towards her "It is okay Jin-hye"

"It isn't okay dad! If only I started speaking a little earlier I could have saved him by telling it to you! I am sorry dad, I wished sometimes that I could have been blind to not see that damned day of my own appa dying, I am so sorry dad please dont hate me" 

Jin-hye sobbed while speaking in between Seokjin's heart broke 

"At least you saw him smiling right? Now stop crying, why would I even hate my own daughter? You know you look ugly crying and dont ever say that you should be blind, I love your eyes sweetpea, it was not your fault it happened right? So stop crying, my dear" 

Seokjin caressed the relatively calmed-down Jin-hye's back until she buried her face into his chest "You know when you want to say any secret of yours you can come to me? I can always be your safe to your secrets" Seokjin whispered to the still Jin-hye who was plunging her face into the warmth of dad's chest until she mumbled, "Ofcourse you are my safe space after all."


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