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"Grandpa!" The kids screamed as they went inside the house and Seokjin followed with all of the bags under his care, he sighed and smiled seeing his teen children acting like kids.

He pulled all the suitcases and bags inside and sighed keeping them on the ground in front of the porch and raised his eyes when his dad didn't come out of the house and looked around the house craning his eyes, his vision could allow a little to see him because of the day dulling and dimming its light slowly.

"Dad!" He called out loudly and Soobin went a little toward the garden area and called out "Grandpa!" there was no response making Seokjin worry more about his dad, where his dad could be, and what he must be doing, Jin-hye sensed her father's tension and patted his back to treasure there wouldn't be anything bad happening right now.

Seokjin nodded silently getting the message that Jin-hye wanted to convey "Dad are you there?" he called out again and there came a grunt, Seokjin hearing that rushed toward the area where the sound came from.

Seokjin didn't care if he was dirtied or if he was tired out of his wit to drive so long, he rushed his legs and his hair disheveled but sighed a painful relief when he saw the scene in front of him, his dad trying to get up from the ground, he panted keeping his hands by his waist and went toward his dad to help him stand.

"Dad, what were you thinking you were doing?" Seokjin said as he slowly supported the man to walk outside the dark area of the garden "I was making the garden beautiful when I got to know that you all will be coming here" Seokjin sighed holding the arms of his dad tightly to help the man walk but the old man swats his hands off and glared at Seokjin.

"I can walk myself" Seokjin nodded and ruffled his hair sighing again as his dad walked in front "Grandpa!" Soobin, Jin-hye, and Taehyun screamed and ran and hugged the old man "How have you been my kids, why didn't you come to meet this old man?" he said with a waver in his tone.

"Dad stop it you are just 60" Seokjin said again with a sigh"You are sighing too much," his father said as a matter of fact "I am just tired but I will be cooking," Seokjin said adamantly and they all went inside the house.

The old man sighed and swayed his head in dismay "Do you underestimate this Kim Jun-ho?" Seokjin released another sigh which had signs of whine "No dad I didn't cook for you for a long time" Jun-ho his dad looked back at him with a glare "You are tired Seokjin"

Seokjin smiled and swayed his head "No I am not, spend some time with your grandchildren as you said you haven't in a long time" His dad cannot protest further than his son's adamant wishes so he just sighed and nodded making Seokjin giggle and hug his dad.

The children seeing the scene thought their dad looked like a little kid who hugged his dad because of getting a new toy or accepting a certain request Taehyun, Soobin, and Jin-Hye smiled seeing their father in such a jocund mood, and they laughed among themselves "Kids go and wash up and talk with your grandfather will call for the dinner soon" the kids nodded and picked their respective bags.

"First you go and wash up mister Seokjin I ain't letting you inside the kitchen until and unless you wash up" Seokjin chuckled and nodded agreeing to his father and got his bag "You are turning slowly to mother"

"After all, I loved her son," His father said making Seokjin sniff and look at his father, his father loved his mother more than he could ever have, he hugged his dad once more "Stop it now and go and wash up, don't get soiled up from this ragged garden clothes of this old man" Seokjin didn't leave but hugged him tightly making the old man chuckle "Go now you have to cook good food after all"

Seokjin giggled and went ahead with his bag and turned back to wink at his dad "You will get master chef food dad don't worry" his father chuckled and swayed his hands at him indicating him to go "Will see son" Seokjin chuckled once again and ran upstairs as if he wasn't forty already.

"Grandpa, do you really clean all of these Mario figurines?" The grandpa nodded with a smile and sat down on the bed "Your father down there would be very upset" the kids laughed as they slowly touched all the figurines Soobin was on the other side of the room and he saw a picture of two young boys he had never seen.

"Grandpa who are these two boys? It doesn't look like I have seen it when we came the last time" the old man on the bed laughed and shook his head in a way agreeing with Soobin's confused statement about the picture.

"This picture was old, I found it while cleaning your father's room, it was fallen beside the table and it never caught my eye until later yesterday" he explained making Soobin make an awe sound and took the picture from the table and came over sitting beside his grandfather on the bed while Taehyun joined him from behind and Jin-hye took a seat beside him on the king sized bed inside Seokjin's room.

"This is our dad I suppose?" The old man nodded with a smile when Taehyun pointed out one of the boys in the picture who was taller than the other one "Who is this then?" Jin-hye pointed out the small heightened boy "I dont quite freshly remember the boy's name, but he had beautiful doe eyes, a bunny smile and I guess I remember Seok calling him Koo"

Koo? They all wondered the same thing, doe eyes, bunny smile, and the last name Koo, it all matched with the name Jeon Jungkook, unsure if their thoughts matched, they looked at each other Soobing holding the picture tightly in his arms and Jin-hye asked with quivering insecurity in her voice "Did the boy had its first name as Jeon grandfather?" 

"Kids the dinner is ready to come down with your grandpa!" Seokjin called from the kitchen and all the kids looked with hopeful eyes at their Grandfather, the old man tried his level best to remember and then he made a knowing sound and laughed slightly "I remember, his exact name was something like Jeon Jungkook" 

The kids gasped and they were shocked out of their wits to know about it, they looked back at the picture and again looked among themselves meeting worried eyes "Dad always knew about Jungkook appa?" Jin-hye whispered slowly and Taehyun along with Soobin looked back at the picture nodding with a shocked expression.

Taehyun immediately stood up on his knees and asked his grandfather "Were they really great friends grandpa?" 

"Friends? Oh god this Seok liked that little kid Jungkook over there, but he moved away from here to Busan, to tell you Seok liked him after that too, just then Taehyung came into his life, why are you asking? Did you find Jungkook?" the kids stared at their grandfather with utterly shocked faces and looked back at the picture with gaped mouths.

"Friends? Oh god this Seok liked that little kid Jungkook over there, but he moved away from here to Busan, to tell you Seok liked him after that too, just then Taehyung came into his life, why are you asking? Did you find Jungkook?" the kids star...

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A/N:- lol I know whoever is reading this chapter is also shocked, dont worry you will get to know why Jungkook doesn't remember Seokjin and Seokjin does, go and read the chapter 'You dont remember me?' in that you will find Seokjin knows that Jungkook is actually his koo.

Have heart attacks my friend because this story has started taking turns


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