Chapter 27: Cloe Garcia Fernanda Maria Good

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*I'm baack!!! Seriously guys thank you so much for the votes and comments in both books. I mean overnight!!?!! I'm still in a shock right now so I would like to thank you all to those who voted and commented, that really encouraged me to write more. Enough of the cheesy ness. on with the story !!! *

Dean's POV

I read through some more in the little girly diary of hers. Well i learned one thing, she was right all along. She is my sister and i'm still shocked.

I don't know how to react to it still, i just dont know, i got hungry though and i found more ice cream in her fridge on the second floor. Her room was also on the second floor. I am pretty sure she wont mind me eating some.

Why does she have this many ice cream anyways?

I went back to her room and i just decided to put back her diary into where i found it.

Though this sucks. Now i have to share everything with her and take care of her and myself and i will have to act all big brother-y to her. And if i have a secret she will gossip to it.

It sucks man.

I just stayed in her bedroom walking back and forth, until i found a blacklight flash light. I aimed it to my hand and nothing. And i suddenly see there were some writings in the wall.
I sat beside Chloe as she sleeps, i sat on her bed looking at her. I played with her hair a bit, man she has a very soft hair. Its color kind if darkened at the places i touched so i stopped and it lightened up again. hmm.

No wonder her hair is so soft.

I sat on the chair hanging from the roof of the room. I was still keeping my eyes on her as she sleeps. She looks so calm and Peaceful. And at that very moment she woke up.

Back To Chloe's POV

I woke up and sat in my bed. As i looked around my bedroom i saw Dean still here. Sitting in the chair, my one special chair. I usually don't let anyone sit there but he is my brother anyways. At least i hope he is.

"hey." Dean said, as he walked to my bed and sat on the edge facing back.

''Hey, why are you still here?" I questioned, i wouldn't be normal for him to stay, i was thinking that he wouldve went to Renee or something when i sleep. I guess he waited for me. Is that a good thing?

"Why not?" He simply asked back while this time, he was looking at me right in the eye. Woah is everything okay with him?

"Well I don't know really. So what have you been doing while I was asleep Jon?" I asked. I really wanted him to tell me the truth. Just curious that's all.

He hesitated for a while to tell me or not. "I was looking through your stuff after you told me not to. And I went to your drawer and found your Diary so I read it while you were asleep."

Wow those words came out of his mouth. He actually told me the truth.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled


Then he jerked up a bit looking confused "So we're cool?"

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"I broke your rule and you're okay with it?"

"Yes, I just wanted you to tell the truth that's all, I couldn't ask for more. Today has been a day for me which is totally insane, that's why I slept."

"Oh." he replied shortly after, then looking back down.

I walked to the door which was quite far, my room was kinda large so even getting to the door takes up tine.

"Not even your brother gets a hug?" He suddenly asked I stopped dead in my tracks. and the. I turned around I saw Jon spreading his arms for a hug.

I couldn't help it but cry happy tears.

Him reading my diary wasn't so bad after all.

I ran to him and jump up and hug him. Making him carry me while I hug him tight, crying on his shoulders.

I then finally touched the floor with my feet again after holding on to him with a hug crying, but I continued hugging him. A normal one but I was crying on his chest. Me compared to him, I'm so short.

I looked up and I saw his face, with a cheeky smile.

He chuckled then kissed my forehead, then running his fingers through my hair. And he pulled me in for one more hug.

I couldn't stop smiling and crying it was one of the best days of my life.


So what did you guys think about this chapter?? Was it what you expect to happen? Did you like it?

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