Chapter 30: Glowing Inside

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Third Person POV

Roman then, after RAW, went to the church area, where Serafina told him to be after 24 hours.

His task had been completed and now he is on his way to meeting her again. Through the months before, they had begin to accept each other again, like the old times they had as loving brothers and sisters.

When he arrived, the church was huge. Bigger than when Serafina had show him. Maybe it was because of the distance.

When he came, he saw many cars around which means there are many people inside. But why would it be really crowded late night on a Monday? Certainly there must be something wrong that he doesn't know about, Roman thought.

He had went without anyone, Just himself right after the show, he was worried because he didn't see Serafina at work too. But maybe that was apart of the challenge? Maybe.

Things began to worry him after each step he took, closer to the Church. The door was closed, but it wasn't locked, there was actually a bright light coming from the inside of the church.

What could it be? He thought.

Before Actually coming in he took ones deep breath and let it out, because he was nervous to find out what was actually going on. A good thing? Bad?

The second he stepped in, people moved out of the way creating a path right in the middle, leading to a glass.... coffin.

He makes his way slowly, not accepting his guess on what happened. When he finally reached the centre, he then saw, her body with both eyes shut, her raven colored hair was out of her face, with her skin paler and her lips very faint. Wearing a white gown that reached her ankles.

This all didn't seem real to Roman, he wanted it to be a dream, but it could not, for it was real.

Serafina was holding a red rose in both her arms that sat on her chest, which was the flower the little girl gave her, as she promised, she would keep it forever.

"I'm so sorry." Chloe said going to Roman, which was holding back his tears.

"Here, if it would make you feel better, she left you things before her last breath." Chloe added giving him an envelope sealed neatly with a kiss mark on it. Beside the coffin, her guitar that she made was standing there, with a framed picture of her and Roman when they were younger.

He opened it and read with a heavy heart.

And It Read:

To My Brave Most Loving Brother; Leati Joseph Anoa'i

If You are reading this, well done. You have kept a promise and that is all I could ever ask for. Unfortunately my life is going no where further in this world, I'm in a much better place now. But it doesn't mean I never liked life with everyone, including you.

Yes We had our good and bad moments, and my journey ever since, had become the most amazing years. It does not matter what happened then, because I have forgiven you, and we, will always be together no matter what happens.

I'm with you, no matter what else you have in your head nor around you I will always be with you, because I love you. My last year here was all I ever wanted before, meeting you again.

I'm glad that you're happy and I wish you and hope all the best to you. Time passes so quickly, it was just like yesterday we were playing with those karts. But eventually everyone's time will come when god calls them back, and my time has come.

Thank You for spending my last days with me and making every moment the best, I will cherish and treasure each one of them carefully in my heart.

Remember my growing years, they're filled with joy because you're there for me

You cast my fears away, You wipe those tears, You gave me strength each day

So I'll always thank you for the glow

And thank you for the joy

Thank You for the love you gave to me

I'm Glowing, glowing inside

With your love shining through

Thank You for everything you do

I'm glowing inside, because of You

Remember, Have Courage and Be Kind

Thank You

-Serafina Stefani Anoa'i

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