Chapter 1

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Ciel POV

"Mother!! Father!!" I yelled, my head feeling dizzy and hazed from the smog clouding the air. My eyes were watering and my lungs were burning, but I had to find my parents. I stumbled down the halls, coughing and gasping for the non-existent fresh air I needed, but all that filled my chest was smoke. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I fell to the floor, feeling my lungs wanting to shut down. I attempted to stand back but I was too weak.

The flames began closing in on me. "Mother!! Father!!" I yelled again with a wheeze, not knowing what else to do. My conciousness was slowly slipping away. I looked up to the room infront of me which was engulfed in flames. I could have sworn I heard a voice call my name before I fell unconcious.

"Ciel!!" I heard my father voice say loudly. My eyes shot open to see his worried face looming over me.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I sat up quickly and embraced him in a tight hug.

"Nothing." I breathed slowly.

I smelled the scent of smoke again, and looked at my father alarmingly as I noticed he was holding a lighter, grinning codly and widely. It was then that I realised I was on fire, the flame had grown and spread, consumed my clothing and was now burning my flesh. I screamed bloody murder, begging my father to help me as I fell to the floor in agony, attempting to put out the fire but it wouldn't go out. He stood there and laughed at me as I slowly burn't to death right infront of his eyes.

I guess I had it coming to me. I had been adopted by him after my blood related parents were killed in a fire, started by me. I didn't purposely try to kill them. I was young, and was actually trying to cook something so my mother wouldn't have to get out of bed as she was sick. Being 3 years old and trying to operate a toaster without supervision wasn't exactly a great idea. While I wasn't attending the toaster, it had caught fire on the bread package, which i had accidently left ontop of the toaster. It burn't almost immediately and the fire began destroying everything in sight, blowing up several other powerpoints and increasing the damage.

After my new father had adopted me, him and I lived together in a small apartment together, where I spent my childhood. He took great care of me, and I smashed all of my classes, advancing a few grades ahead. I had already finished all of school at 14 years old. I then persisted in becoming a lawyer, so I went to college. But father died in a car accident while I was there...

So how did I just...

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I shot up in bed, sweat had drenched my body but I felt cold. I turned off my alarm clock and buried my head in my hands, rubbing my face.

It was all a dream.

I had been having dreams like this lately at least once a week, and it wasn't pleasant. I didn't even understand why I was having dreams like that now. My blood parents had died almost twenty years ago, and my adoptive father had died 6 years ago. He had died while I was in college. I went to his funeral, but then went back to the college for 4 years until I was 18. Then I went to live in his house while I went to law school and earned money from a temporary job I had.

Now I'm almost 22 years old and I am a very successful laywer working at Cinomed Incorporated. My boss, Sebastian Michaelis had taken a particular liking to me when I first arrived, and for some reason gave me many opportunities than any of the other staff members there, leaving me to thank him for my success. He had given me the toughest cases that came in, and I had defended and won them all. I was hoping that maybe one day, he would promote me to the head, and I could run the building.

I whipped my duvet to the side, swinging my legs over the side of my bed and standing up, wobbling a bit. These nightmares drained my energy sometimes, leaving me feeling sick and unstable. I had a quick shower to recover myself and then got dressed into my usual attire before heading out the door with my suitcase. I hopped in my car and adjusted the rear-view mirror to take one last look at myself to make sure I was presentable before driving off in the direction of my work.

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