Chapter 21 (court pt 2)

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sorry the judge kinda has hardly any part in this cuz i have no idea how these things work ahAHHHH probably should've thought that through b4 writing this but i really wanted to so oh whale deal with it sorry ily


Ciel's POV

"Anyway, I think you've asked enough questions for the time being. I believe it's my turn." I smirked, looking at the opposing side. This was my chance for extra information. If they said one wrong thing, I could use it against them and their whole act could come crashing down. This was my time to shine.

"What do you want to know asshole!?" Michael stood up and growled.

"Don't be so aggressive." The judge glared at Michael, obviously not so fond of him.

"Firstly, I want to know the history of you and Mr Trancy." I stated.

"We had no history! I didn't know the guy!" Michael barked.

"Is that so?" I stood up with a smile on my face. He was such a little liar.


"So why exactly were you so obsessed with and horrible to Alois?" I asked.

"I was not obsessed with this kid! I barely knew him, he was just a neighbo-"

"Okay, you need to stop right there, Michael." I smirked. "Look, you need to start telling the truth because I have so much against you right now with solid evidence to back it up. First of all you must have had history with Mr Trancy because there is no way you could randomlu target Alois. Maybe you had history with his mother or something but there is no way you randomly target a kid and his younger brother. Secondly- wait let me confirm this. Alois, Michael wasn't your neighbour when you were living in the cottage was he?" I turned to Alois and smiled. He smiled back.

"Nope, I lived at 56 Roper Street and they lived 83 Harris Cross. 4 streets away from eachother." He replied.

I turned back to Michael, continuing to smile as he sweated nervously. I had him right where I wanted him. "Secondly, you were neighbours. Thirdly, you did know him, and I do have proof for this. Not only has Alois and his butler told me all the stories, but I even have stories from an old friend of Jane's who told me you were constantly going on and on about Alois."

He looked very guilty, scared and confused.

"Now Mr Nickleson, I would appreciate it if you told the truth. After all, if Alois really is guilty, why would you have to lie?" I continued to smile. This was too much fun.

"Y-You want to know my history with Kain Trancy?" Michael said.

"That's what I asked." I replied.

Michael smiled. "He... was my brother."

At that moment my smile straightened out. What? Did I hear correctly?

"Impossible." Alois stood up, eyeing him fearfully. "We just told you to stop lying!"

"But this time I'm not lying, unfortunately." Michael sighed. "Kain Trancy was in fact my brother. He was the favourite to my parents; the totally unoriginal family favouritism story, I know, but that's how it was. When we were around twenty five, Kain and I reunited and made up. After twenty five years of us hating eachothers guts, even driving me to the point of changing my last name, we decided to make up. He offered me a job at his successful company and I accepted. We worked together for around a year, until he decided I wasn't suitable for the job and sacked me. I was pretty annoyed and naturally I tried to guilt him into giving me my job back. I didn't even understand why I lost it in the first place. Then, after me... begging a bit too much, he snapped and yelled at me, telling me hurtful things he hadn't ever told me before. It made me realise how much of a horrible person he really was.

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