Chapter 13

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Its not that I like Alois it was just that I found him attrac-

No, no. Not that... I just thought he was-

I don't like him at all he's just really sweet and-

No, it's not that either, that's not true it's just-

He was a boy and I didn't like him-

Well on second thought-

No! I-

I felt alarmed as the ringing of my phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I frantically rushed to my phone and looked at the caller id.

Alois Trancy.

I felt my cheeks instantly heat up and I debated whether to answer or not. I don't know what it was, my body must've just been in a really... pubescent mood or something. Probably something like a sandwhich would've been attractive at this point in time. I waved off the whole thing and took a deep breath, answering the phone.

"Hello?" I said confidently.

"Hey, Ciel!" Alois said cheerily, his melodic voice melting me inside.


"H-Hey, what's up?" I gulped.

"Where and what time are we meeting up for the concert tonight?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." I said in a suprised voice. I had been obssessing over my feelings so much that I had forgotten about the concert. "Uhm... Whatever you want." I said.

"Well then I'm coming to your house now." He declared.

"W-Wait what!? Why so early, theres still 3 hours before the concert!" I said slightly scared. He couldn't see me while I was in this emotional state, I was acting like a girl on their period.

Or at least I thought I was, I don't know what they feel like seeing as I'm not a woman.

"Make sure the dog isn't nearby, okay? See you soon!" He ignored me and hung up.

I stood there with an expression of fear, holding the phone in my hands. What was I going to do?


What the hell is wrong with me?

What happened to the cold and grumpy Ciel? Why is he replaced with weird, hormonal and shy Ciel? I had to snap out of it.

I shook my head and clenched my fists, putting a determined look on my face. I wasn't going to let my pride get shattered by some stupid boy.

"Hi, Ciel."

I jumped backwards and look to the left where Alois was leaning on a doorframe with his arms crossed. He had a stupid smirk on his stupid face and it just made him look STUPID.

"What." I steadied myself, feeling my old personality come back.

"Wow, you're nice." He laughed. "What's wrong with you?" He walked up to me and nudged my arm but I grunted and pushed him away.

"Don't touch me." I muttered, looking down at the floor.

Yes, this is the burning hatred I used to feel constantly. It felt good.

"Hey." He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

He stared at me with a hurt look on his face. I started to feel really guilty.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again, with a quiet voice.

I looked at him painfully then looked down. All I cared about was my damn pride, I never thought about how I was making anyone else feel. Why was I such a dick?

Truth Be Told (Cielois ~ Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now